Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

4. Maximizing Customer Sales

& Staff Potential


When times are tough, the natural reaction of many businesses is to batten
down the hatches and wait until the storm blows over. However, the business
climate in recent years has been very unsettled, and there are no signs that it is
going to change in the near future.

In a tough business climate, often the first reaction is
to reduce expenses. Cutting staff, reducing advertising,
and examining every part of the business for ways to
reduce expenditures.

In the process, making cuts that are regretted later
could result hurting the business.

Before making reductions in staff, you should first look for ways to get more
sales volume from each and every customer. The key to accomplishing this is
to train and motivate your staff to provide better customer service.

In Maximizing Customer Sales and Staff Potential, we will discuss how you

Maximize customer sales
Maximize staff potential

How to use this information

As you move through this material, think about how to apply these ideas in
your business to improve customer sales. As well, consider how to use these
ideas to improve the productivity of the staff in your business.

It is a very good idea to do regularly a review of your business with reference
to ways of improving customer sales and employee productivity. Consider
using the ideas presented here as a guide when you are doing such an analysis.

Assume that customers also refer to clients and products refer to services
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