The principles and suggestions outlined in Maximizing Customer Sales &
Staff Potential are fundamental to maximizing customer potential and staff
Executing the basics that we know in our heart must be done is one of the
biggest problems in business today. Don't get bogged down
with a lot of things that won't have any effect on our bottom
Get your priorities straight and achieve outstanding
customer service.
In these competitive times:
Start today and work with your staff to improve their skills and customer
service and capture those precious sales.
All the cost cutting in the world will make no effective contribution to the
bottom line if there is no revenue coming in to write the black ink in the
first place.
TThhee ttrriicckk iiss ttoo ddoo iitt!!
BBee pprrooaaccttiivvee,, nnoott rreeaaccttiivvee!!
BBee aa lleeaaddeerr (^) iinn (^) yyoouurr (^) mmaarrkkeett!!