Sales & Marketing Management

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Situation #3

This is another example of a typical situation encountered by businesses related
to management:

There are under utilization of equipment, resources, or specialized people skills
within the business because the sales force is not directed and motivated to
maximize these potentials.

Many companies have:

Pieces of equipment that is underused
A department that could handle much more work or different work
Special people skills and capabilities that are not fully exploited

Not taking advantage of these potentially useable people skills is not the fault
of the salespeople but it is a management problem.


Managers must ensure that the sales force is well aware of the production needs
of the company.

They must know how important it is to the company to sell the complete range
of company products and not just the top ten movers.

Then, through focused activity, using PPO and regular communication on any
changes in the business' position motivate the sales force as a team to maximize
the efficient use of all the business' resources.

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