6. Personal Performance Outcomes (PPO)
Personal performance outcomes (PPO) for key personnel are extremely
important at all levels of an organization.
PPO are a formalized list of goals that should always include:
Û Key corporate goals
Û Personal goals
Û A special project
Corporate goals will reflect a direct interfacing of overall business outcomes
for the year with the individual's area of responsibility.
PPO are like a bike built for many.
Each person on the bike is part of the whole team. The bike has to move in
the direction that the business owner or management determine.
Each person has a role to play and knows
what that role is. It is important that
everyone pedal together.
Collectively, all the PPO in the business
express the will and direction of the enterprise.
Administered properly, they are both prime
motivators and planning tools.
PPPPOO aarree tthhee gglluuee tthhaatt hhoolldd tthhiinnggss ttooggeetthheerr