Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

  1. How would you rate your relationship with
    your co-workers?

1 2 3 4 5

  1. Do you put extra pressure on yourself to meet deadlines by putting off
    disagreeable tasks to the last minute?
    If so, give an example.
    Describe how you could improve matters.

  2. How do you feel about your achievements this past year (up to the present
    time) versus your Personal Performance Outcomes [PPO]?

  3. Knowing what you know, now what would you do differently to affect your
    PPO achievement?

  4. What direction or assistance from management would have helped to
    improve your performance?

  5. What training would you like to take to improve or upgrade your skills?

  6. What direction or assistance from co-workers would have helped to
    improve your performance?

  7. How available is management to consult with you when it is needed, and
    how can this communication be improved?

  8. Describe how you get enough or too much direction from management.

  9. What problems or concerns, if any, have you had with co-workers?

  10. Please give examples of these problems/concerns.

  11. What do you feel you can do to improve communication and relations with
    your co-workers?

  12. What past training have you had in interpersonal relations in the

  13. How would you improve the physical working conditions
    (for example, light, heat, atmosphere, storage, records, or office/workplace

  14. How do you feel about flextime in the workplace?

  15. What do you see yourself doing in your career 3–5 years from now?

  16. What would you like to be doing 3–5 years from now?

  17. What are you doing to prepare yourself?

  18. What are your longer-term career goals?

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