Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

A. General information about your business

Legal name of the organization

  1. Address ___Phone __Fax __

  2. Web address __e-mail address

  3. Other Locations _Phone ___

  4. In business since _____

  5. Please check off the business sector you are in:

Retailer Dealer

Service Company Wholesaler

Manufacturing Distributor

Other, Specify

  1. Who participates in the decision-making group? ____

Question Yes No

Do you have an organizational goal?
Do you have a marketing goal for this year
Do you have your own distinctive logo and label? Specify
Do you set sales targets for the whole company? Maybe

  1. How many staff members do you have? Full time _ Part time ___

  2. How many square feet of 'customer interaction' area does your location

  3. How would you answer the question, "What business are you in?"

  4. Do you attempt to have any control over the dress of office personnel?

  5. Do you plan to relocate within the next 24 months?

  6. Do you act as agents or distributors for any lines, processes, or systems? If
    so, please provide details.

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