Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

B. Products/Services

Your products or services are the means you have to make money and realize
profits. Take a minute to put down some information about them. This
information will help you to decide what special advantages you have to offer
your prospective customers. It will separate you from your competition.

Name your product or service below. If there are several, list them. If this is a
long list, just name the main categories.

  1. List the benefits that your product or service offers your customers. Use
    single words or short phrases.

  2. Describe the single greatest advantage that your product or service has to
    offer your customer.

  3. Do you have exclusive rights to provide services or systems?
    Yes __ No

  4. What products, services, or systems offer you the greatest turnover

  5. What products, services, or systems offer you the greatest profit potential?

  6. What products, services, or systems do you supply on an exclusive basis?

  7. Please identify each of the
    following months in order of
    importance to your total
    revenue volume: No. 1 is the
    most important revenue
    month and No. 12 is the
    least important.

  8. What days of the week
    are most important to you
    in terms of total weekly
    Please number each day using No. 1 as the most important day and No. 7 as
    the least important.

  9. What are your office hours?

  10. How is your staff involved in promoting company business?

  11. What services do you offer now that you did not offer 12 months ago?

  12. What percentage of your total gross revenue would they represent?

  13. Of all the services you offer, what services are you most proud of and why?

January May September
February June October
March July November
April August December

Monday Wednesday Friday Sunday
Tuesday Thursday Saturday^
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