Sales & Marketing Management

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How to use this information

As you work through this section, you should be introspective. Be honest with
yourself. Try to assess what type of manager you are and what management
style you use most of the time.

Try to remember various types of business situations you encountered and
examine what your reactions were in relation to the people you supervise.

Ask yourself during and after this section, if you could have handled the
situation better or differently and what the results may have been had you done

What is the ideal management style?

Ask yourself the questions:

Û What kind of a manager are you?
Û How effective are you as a leader?
Û What is the ideal or most effective management style?

Most managers may have vague feelings about these questions. Very seldom do
most managers really find the answers.

Many people are not good at introspection and self-analysis. Most of us, to one
degree or another, tend to downplay or rationalize our shortcomings and

However, if we look at our lives and our careers, we invariably find that
real growth in our personal lives and as managers has come by confronting
our shortcomings and learning from our failures.

There is no best management style: no single, all-purpose leadership
approach that meets all situations.

The consistently successful leaders are those who constantly adapt their
style to the people and situations that they encounter.
Largely, the management style of managers is the result of how well they
master and apply the various leadership styles.
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