TThhee CCooaacchh^
The ccooaacchh knows that, in the long term, consistent achievement depends on
training and motivating other people to get the job done.
The coach often takes a very personal interest in the team and feels that success
is never luck or the results of any individual's effort but rather is the result of
the team pulling together.
The Coach may take charge occasionally to show how it's done. Nevertheless,
he or she is not afraid to let people prove their worth although mistakes will be
made. The Coach knows that if controlled properly, making mistakes is a
learning experience. It is also more productive to promote initiative than it is to
stifle it.
The Coach is capable of showing many faces. During a single situation, the
Coach may be:
Û Conciliatory Hard-nosed
Û Uncompromising Hard-nosed
Û Uncompromising
CCoommmmoonn ttrraaiittss ooff tthhee ccooaacchh aarree::
Good communicator
Very team oriented
Feels committed to rise or fall on the results of the team
Usually supportive of the team even through adverse situations
Accepts a share of the blame along with the rest of the team
Has been there and knows that experience is the best teacher