Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

However, in all of these instances, the conditions have to be right including
good chemistry between the personalities of the people.

The democrat is administratively strong as a rule and may be reasonably well
liked as an individual but, in many cases, staff will lose respect for them as a
manager and colleague.

CCoommmmoonn ttrraaiittss ooff aa ddeemmooccrraatt aarree:: (^)
The democrat always feels that they can solve every problem by
consulting with the parties involved.
They always feel that issues can be resolved by talking it out until a
consensus is reached.
The democrat involves everyone in the decision-making process to the
point that each person is not seen as wholly responsible for the
The democrat usually avoids having to be decisive.
The democrat can allow things to get totally off the rails.
People under the directions of a Democrat may all be off 'doing their
own thing.'
Operations may literally grind to a halt because no decisions are being
made and no directions are being given.

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