Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

The Facilitator

The ffaacciilliittaattoorr likes everybody and everybody likes her or him. The facilitator
would like it to be this way.

The facilitator may have good administrative skills but is so busy pleasing
everyone that he or she becomes ineffectual as a decision-maker. Like the
democrat, facilitators may be well liked as individuals but nobody has respect
for their abilities as managers.

CCoommmmoonn ffaacciilliittaattoorr ttrraaiittss aarree:: (^)
To avoid conflict at all cost
The important thing is that everybody be friends and get along well
Social events involving everybody are very important
Picnics, Christmas parties, hockey pools are seen as 'almost' as
important as daily business and receive almost as much attention
and effort
They think that if everyone is happy, they will naturally be successful
without any help or direction from management

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