Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Sales Agreements

  1. The employee shall use the forms prescribed by _____ from time to
    time in contracting for sales. The forms provided shall include a
    requirement that a departmental manager approves sales and no sale is
    eligible for payment of a commission unless so approved.

  2. It is understood and agreed that _____ may at any time:

Û Refuse or reject an order for good cause
Û Cancel any order, in whole or in part, for good cause
Û Consent to the cancellation of an order for good cause either before or
after the shipment of the merchandise
Û Accept any return of merchandise for good cause
Û Grant an allowance on merchandise or a service for good cause and
for the purpose of this clause 'good cause' shall include good business
and customer relations and ______________ shall be the sole
determinant of whether such good cause exists.

  1. If ___ cancels or revises a contract for good cause then any
    commission payable will be paid on the basis of the revised contract price.

Sales Prices

  1. The employee in making sales contracts shall calculate prices based on sale
    prices in schedules provided from time to time by __. Such
    schedules may provide some discretion in pricing to the employee.

Sales Leads and Referrals

  1. Maintenance sales leads: The business will rotate all general maintenance
    sales leads to each commissioned salesperson. When a specific salesperson
    is requested, the lead will be given to that salesperson. It will not be count
    as a general lead subject to rotation. Any general lead rejected by a
    salesperson will be offered to the next sales person in rotation. A
    salesperson rejecting a sale's lead will not be offered another lead until their
    next turn comes up in the rotation.

  2. For the purpose of paragraph 14, a rejection includes a verbal rejection or
    non-performance on the lead for one business day.

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