Sales & Marketing Management

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  1. The employee shall use her/his best efforts to effectively and professionally
    perform her/his duties under this agreement, Without limiting the generality
    of the foregoing, the employee shall:
    Û Provide prompt follow-up to all leads which are accepted
    Û Prepare and present to the customer, estimates and contracts at sale
    price levels set by ___
    Û Present all contracts for acceptance by the sales manager
    Û Maintain contact with the customer throughout the project
    Û Use best efforts to ensure the customer is satisfied with the project
    throughout it
    Û Collect promptly all deposits and obtain funds following the
    completion of the project

Advertising and Promotion

  1. The amount of advertising or promotion spent in any territory or on any
    product is the sole responsibility of the sales manager. The employee is
    encouraged to give the sales manager ideas to enhance product sales and
    shall meet with the sales manager from time to time as may be required by
    _____ to plan or consider such activities.

Conflict of Interest

  1. It either is a conflict of interest for the employee to directly or indirectly sell
    or offer to sell services or merchandise in competition with __.
    Conflict of interest is a ground for termination of this agreement. The
    employee shall inform__ of any current or future employment with
    any third party and
    shall determine whether the same is or could
    become a conflict of interest.

  2. Notwithstanding paragraph 22, the employee shall use their best efforts to
    maximize sales following this agreement.

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