I. Economic patterns
In order to chart some marketing goals and projections, it is important to be
aware of your overall economic patterns.
Record the figures below and if they are not readily available, fill in your
best estimate.
- What is your fiscal year? From__ to ___
- Gross sales to date this year: $__
- Projected gross sales to year end: $__
- Gross sales last year end: $__
J. Scope for growth
Now before closing, it is worthwhile to document the directions that you can
grow. This helps to determine the areas where growth is possible.
- How close are you to capacity with your current staff, equipment, and
premises? __% - Specifically, how close are you to the maximum amount of time and effort
that can be devoted to generating new business? _____% - As far as financial flexibility is concerned, what dollar figure is available to
you for growth? _____ %
This questionnaire was completed by:
Name: ___ Title: __
Business name: ___
Address: _____
City: ___ Postal code: ____
Telephone: __