- What are the physical requirements of the newspaper for Ad copy?
Are colour Ads available and at what additional charge?
- Will the newspaper provide some editorial promotion of local businesses?
Will the newspaper handle the preparation and insertion of flyers in the
Will the Newspaper guarantee positioning and placement of your Ad.
What are the advertising rates? What contract incentives are available?
All media will claim to be able to reach your customers and they will support
this with any number of demographic surveys, circulation studies, or viewer
impression surveys. Unfortunately, this does not necessarily mean that they will
get results. Before placing an Ad or committing to an Ad campaign, you
Ask many of your customers, what they think of the newspaper and if they
read it regularly.
Ask what they like about the newspaper and what they dislike about it.
Ask other businesses in your market, what they think of the newspaper and
if they get results from their advertising in it.
Examine a number of issues of the newspaper over some time to see
whether your competition uses it for their advertising. If they don't use it,
why not? What alternative advertising does your competition use?