Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1


Radio can be a very effective medium but mainly in support of other elements
of the media plan. Today many people are listening to radio while they are
doing something else. Listeners are driving, working in the home, or working at
the office. Therefore, their attention is divided.

To accomplish this, radio Ads use sound effects, special voice effects, and
theme music that is identified with the business. The reason for only including
three points or items in an Ad is that it has been proven that any more than that
and the listener will not remember it. As most radio Ads are either 30 sec. or 60
sec. in length, it can be a challenge to design an effective radio Ad.

Thus, don't try to say too much.
Use radio to enhance the effect of your other advertising by announcing the
special event you are holding on the weekend or the super special price on a
particular offering at the event.

Production costs per radio Ad are usually quite reasonable when spread over a
radio campaign of several weeks. Radio stations are highly competitive in most
markets and frequently will include normal production costs in the cost of the
Ad for a campaign of a few weeks' duration.

To be effective, a radio Ad must:
Catch the attention of the listener
Get the message across quickly
Contain a maximum of three points or items
Stress contact information
Contain a memorable close
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