Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Media planning

In media planning, mathematics is different from you learned in school.

This is to illustrate that when you use more than one media type in an Ad
campaign it has a multiplying effect. On the other hand, the effect you get is
usually greater than if you only used one of the media types.

We cannot stress too much the importance of planning and coordinating all
your media activities. At the beginning of this section, we talked about
preparing 12-month and even 18–24 month media plans.

For example:
You might implement a newspaper Ad campaign two weeks before a special
In the last week before the event, you would run radio Ads with increasing
frequency as you approach the date of the event.
A customer seeing the newspaper Ad will have the impression of that
message about your event reinforced by the radio Ad message.
It makes the message more memorable. Combining the use of the media has a
synergistic effect.

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