Victorian Poetry

(Elliott) #1

House of Commons
(October) House of Lords rejects Reform Bill; riots in
Nottingham, Derby, Bristol

1832 Tennyson, Poems
(June) First Reform Bill given royal assent

183 3 Robert Browning, Pauline; a Fragment of a Confession
John Stuart Mill, "What Is Poetry?" and "The Two Kinds of
Oxford Movement begins; Tracts for the Times (until 1841)
Bridgewater Treatises (until 1837)
(August) Abolition of slavery in British Empire

1834 Hemans, National Lyrics and Song for Music
Hemans, Scenes and Hymns of Life
(July) Poor Law Amendment Act ("New Poor Law")
(December) Peel administration

1835 Robert Browning, Paracelsus
(April) Second Melbourne administration

1836 A.W.G. Pugin, Contrasts: or a Parallel between the Noble
Edifices of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries and Similar
Buildings of the Present Day, Shewing the Decay of Taste

1837 (June) Death of William IV; accession of Victoria

183 8 Elizabeth Barrett, The Seraphim and Other Poems
(May) People's Charter published
(September) John Bright and Richard Cobden form Anti-Corn
Law League

1839 L.E.L., The Zenana and Minor Poems
(May) "Opium War" against China begins
(June) Chartist petition presented to parliament; rejected the
following month

1840 Robert Browning, Sordello
Caroline Norton, The Dream and Other Poems
Jewish Reform Movement founded

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