Victorian Poetry

(Elliott) #1

186 8 Robert Browning, The Ring and the Book (completed 1869)
Morris, The Earthly Paradise (completed 1870)
First Trades Union Congress
(October) Suez Canal opens
(December) Liberal Government; Gladstone (Prime Minister and
Chancellor of the Exchequer)

1869 Arnold, Culture and Anarchy
John Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women

1870 Alfred Austin, The Poetry of the Period
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Poems
Webster, Portraits
(August) Forster's Elementary Education Act

1871 Robert Browning, Balaustion's Adventure
Robert Browning, Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau: Saviour of
Robert Buchanan, "The Fleshly School of Poetry: Dante Gabriel
Darwin, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex
Swinburne, Songs before Sunrise
Newnham College, Cambridge, founded
(June) Religious tests abolished at the Universities of Oxford and
(June) Trade Union Act

1872 Robert Browning, Pifine at the Fair
Buchanan, The Fleshly School of Poetry and Other Phenomena
of the Day
Christina Rossetti, Sing-Song: A Nursery Rhyme-Book
(August) Licensing Act restricts sale of alcoholic beverages

187 3 Robert Browning, Red-Cotton Night-Cap Country: or Turf and
Mill, Autobiography
Pater, Studies in the History of the Renaissance (later known as
The Renaissance)
(June) Ashanti War begins in Gold Coast

1874 James Thomson ("B.V."), "The City of Dreadful Night"

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