Victorian Poetry

(Elliott) #1

1875 Robert Browning, The Inn Album
Christina Rossetti, Goblin Market, The Prince's Progress, and
Other Poems
(February) Conservative government; Disraeli (Prime Minister)

1876 Robert Browning, Pacchiarotto and How He Worked in
Distemper; with Other Poems
Swinburne, Erechtheus

1877 Morris, The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the
Patmore, The Unknown Eros and Other Odes
(January) Victoria proclaimed Empress of India

187 8 Robert Browning, La Saisiaz, and The Two Poets of Croisic
Swinburne, Poems and Ballads: Second Series

(January) Zulu War (until 1879)

1879 Robert Browning, Dramatic Idyls

1880 Arnold, "The Study of Poetry"

Robert Browning, Dramatic Idyls: Second Series
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Ballads and Sonnets
Swinburne, Songs of the Springtides
Tennyson, Ballads and Other Poems
(April) Liberal government; Gladstone (Prime Minister)
(December) Boers declare independence in South Africa; First
Anglo-Boer War (until 1881)
18 81 Christina Rossetti, A Pageant and Other Poems
Oscar Wilde, Poems
Married Women's Property Act (ownership of property)

1882 Swinburne, Tristram of Lyonesse and Other Poems

188 3 Robert Browning, Jocoseria

1884 Robert Browning, Ferishtah's Fancies
Amy Levy, A Minor Poet and Oher Verse
Married Women's Property Act (legal status as independent

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