Victorian Poetry

(Elliott) #1

(May) Franchise Bill (Third Reform Bill) introduced into House
of Commons
(November) Third Reform Act given royal assent

1885 Tennyson, Tiresias and Other Poems
Criminal Law Amendment Act (age of consent for male-female
sexual relations raised to 16; sexual relations between men
classed as "gross indecency")
(June) Conservative government; Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 5th
Marquess of Salisbury (Prime Minister)

1886 Rudyard Kipling, Departmental Ditties and Other Verses
Morris, The Pilgrims of Hope: A Poem in Thirteen Books
Tennyson, Locksley Hall Sixty Years After, Etc.
W.B. Yeats, Mosada: A Dramatic Poem
(February) Liberal government; Gladstone (Prime Minister)
(April) Gladstone introduces Irish Home Rule Bill into House of
(June) Defeat of Irish Home Rule Bill
(July) Conservative government; Marquess of Salisbury (Prime

1887 Robert Browning, Parley ings with Certain People of Importance
in Their Day
Meredith, Ballads and Poems of the Tragic Life
Robert Louis Stevenson, Underwoods
(June) Victoria's Golden Jubilee
(November) Police and troops break up Social Democratic
Federation meeting at Trafalgar Square, London ("Bloody

188 8 Meredith, A Reading of Earth

1889 Robert Browning, Asolando: Fancies and Facts
Michael Field, Long Ago
Levy, A London-Plane Tree and Other Verse
Swinburne, Poems and Ballads: Third Series
Arthur Symons, Days and Nights
Tennyson, Demeter and Other Poems
Yeats, The Wandering of Oisin and Other Poems
(August-September) London dock strike

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