Victorian Poetry

(Elliott) #1

National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies founded; Millicent
Fawcett (President)
(June) Victoria's Diamond Jubilee

189 8 Thomas Hardy, Wessex Poems and Other Verses
Wilde, The Ballad of Heading Gaol
(September) British and French military forces conflict at Fashoda
("Fashoda Crisis")

1899 Dowson, Decorations in Verse and Prose
Symons, Images of Good and Evil
Yeats, The Wind among the Reeds
(October) Second Anglo-Boer War begins

1900 (October) Conservative-Liberal Unionist government ("Khaki
Election"); Marquess of Salisbury (Prime Minister)
A Reading of Life with Other Poems
(January) Death of Victoria; accession of Edward VII

1902 Hardy, Poems of the Past and the Present
(May) Second Anglo-Boer War ends
(December) Education Act (Local Education Authorities provide
secondary education)

191 8 Gerard Manley Hopkins, Poems

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