Victorian Poetry

(Elliott) #1
The critical fortunes of Victorian poetry

the Early Poetry (Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia, 1994),
29 Nancy Armstrong, Desire and Domestic Fiction: A Political History of the
Novel (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987).
30 Elizabeth K. Helsinger, "Consumer Power and the Utopia of Desire: Christina
Rossetti's 'Goblin Market,'" ELH 58 (1991), 903-33; Diane d'Amico, "'Equal
Before God': Christina Rossetti and the Fallen Women of Highgate Peniten-
tiary," in Gender and Discourse in Victorian Literature and Art, eds. Antony H.
Harrison and Beverly Taylor (DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press,
1992), 67-83; and Mary Wilson Carpenter, "'Eat Me, Drink Me, Love Me':
The Consumable Female Body in Christina Rossetti's Goblin Market," Vic-
torian Poetry 29 (1991), 415-34.
31 Margaret Homans, "'Syllables of Velvet': Dickinson, Rossetti, and the Rhetorics
of Sexuality," Feminist Studies 11 (1985), 569-93.
32 Joseph Chadwick, "A Blessing and a Curse: The Poetics of Privacy in Tennyson's
'The Lady of Shalott,'" Victorian Poetry 24 (1986), 25.
33 Barbara Charlesworth Gelpi, "The Feminization of D.G. Rossetti," in The
Victorian Experience: The Poets, ed. Richard A. Levine (Columbus, OH: Ohio
University Press, 1982), 94-114; Carol Christ, "The Feminine Subject in
Victorian Poetry," ELH 54 (1987), 385-401; and Dorothy Mermin, "The
Damsel, The Knight and the Victorian Woman Poet," Critical Inquiry 13
(1986), 64-80.
34 See Jeff Nunokawa, "In Memoriam and the Extinction of the Homosexual,"
ELH 58 (1991), 427-38; and Thai's E. Morgan, "Violence, Creativity and the
Feminine: Poetics and Gender Politics in Swinburne and Hopkins," in Gender
and Discourse in Victorian Literature and Art, eds. Harrison and Taylor
3 5 Richard Dellamora, Masculine Desire: The Sexual Politics of Victorian Aesthe-
ticism (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1990).
3 6 See especially Morgan, "Male Lesbian Bodies: The Construction of Alternative
Masculinities in Courbet, Baudelaire, and Swinburne," Genders 15 (1992),
37-57; and Prins, "Sappho Doubled: Michael Field," Yale Journal of Criticism
8(1995), 165-86.
37 See for example Victorian Women Poets: An Anthology, eds. Angela Leighton
and Margaret Reynolds (Oxford: Blackwell, 1995), British Women Poets of the
Nineteenth Century, ed. Margaret Randolph Higonnet (New York: Penguin,
1996), Nineteenth-Century Women Poets: An Oxford Anthology, eds. Isobel
Armstrong, Joseph Bristow, and Cath Sharrock (Oxford: Clarendon Press,

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