2.3LateralLoads 37
Thus,thedesignpressurep(psf) is givenby
p=CeCqIqs (2.6)
Thepressureis assumedto benormalto allwallsandroofsand
CeVelocity PressureCoecientaccounts forheight, exposureandgustfactor.It accounts
forthefactthatwindvelocity increaseswithheight andthatdynamiccharacterof the
ow (i.ethewindpressureis notsteady),Table2.6.
Ce Exposure
1.39-2.34 D Open,
atterrainfacinglargebodiesof water
1.06-2.19 C Flatopenterrain,extendingone-halfmileor openfromthe
sitein any fullquadrant
0.62-1.80 B Terrainwithbuildings,forest,or surfaceirregularities 20 ft
or morein height
Table2.6:CeCoecients forWindLoad,(UBC1995)
CqPressureCoecient is a shape factorwhich is givenin Table2.7forgabledframes.
WindwardSide LeewardSide
Roof Slope <9:12 0 : 7 0 : 7
9:12to 12:12 0 : 4 0 : 7
12:12 0 : 7 0 : 7
Walls 0 : 8 0 : 5
Buildings(height< 200 ft)
VerticalProjections height<40 ft 1 : 3 1 : 3
height>40 ft 1 : 4 1 : 4
HorizontalProjections 0 : 7 0 : 7
Table2.7:WindPressureCoecientsCq, (UBC1995)
IImportanceFactoras givenby Table2.8. where
I EssentialFacilities: Hospitals;Fireandpolicestations; Tanks;Emergencyvehicle
shelters,standby power-generatingequipment; Structuresandequipment in govern-
ment. communicationcenters.
II HazardousFacilities: Structureshousing,supportingor containingsucient quan-
titiesof toxicor explosive substancesto be dangerousto thesafety of thegeneral
publicif released.
III Specialoccupancystructure: Coveredstructureswhoseprimaryoccupancyis pub-
licassembly, capacity> 300 persons.