Official Natural Socialism Manifesto

(Chad R. Justice) #1

New Natural Socialist Society

Only buildings following the natural socialist design shall be respected as a true home,
because the old structures are a monument to our sins, therefore should only be used as a
memory of our sinful past, so we may not commit such acts again, and as in mockery of the
old ways by being used as massive fuckhouses.

So, there's me as the God Emperor of all mankind with a elected authority based on workers
preferences (but also chosen by god overruling the will of the people), there is an imperial
senate, under the imperial senate there is workers councils, under worker council there is
the people council, the premier can't do any proper reform without approval of imperial
senate above, the premier is the emperor, both the premier and emperor can't be elected
but true freedom and state of nature is core principals in the natural socialist state but while
the emperor and the senate have the amount of power the emperor can also just say “no”
to the senate and overrule anything they say including if they vote to remove the emperor.

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