Official Natural Socialism Manifesto

(Chad R. Justice) #1

ideologies and the armies of those who oppresses us to the very ground. To support one’s
ideological campaign for a nation’s freedom is nothing but political propaganda. We are
humans and we are united as one. The greatest freedom fighter and truth seeker for over a
century is Max Stirner alone.

This is a message to all of mankind. We are bowed to tyranny of the capitalist’s pig. To free
over self from the tyrannical oppression and exploitation of these tyrannical dictators we
need to endure hard strife’s and unite as one. Over ancestors created this world with their
hard labor and their own work, they endured a common goal of a unified humanity, but
there was those who denied the people the truth, ever since the time of feudalism there has
been oppression of the poor and of the weak there has been workers oppression by kings
and the land lords, even as we have been building up city's, doing technological
breakthroughs there has been propaganda for the strife of fighting for one's nation which
does not exists, there have been wars that have enforced humans to endured bloody battles
against other humans which have led to nothing but tyranny and a tyrannical control of
humans globally. Workers of the world constructed this world whit their hard labor and
their own endurances, their contribution to human society shall not be forgotten. The idea
of freedom was the idea that the people should have their own freedom to live and choose
their own life styles, the individualist and the middle class themselves have been oppressed
and the propaganda of today's society is nothing but fake profits for peace and prosperity.
Even as the people started waking up for over a 100 years ago and started advocating for
true freedom. they were once again oppressed by those in the authority by advocating
again with propaganda of keeping the people subjugated, the history of capitalism the last
611 years has been written in nothing but blood, to advocate one’s freedom via war is
nothing but arrogance and lies cause each war has only led to death and ruins of our own
ancestor's hard labor and work. We should unite and free over self from the oppression that
will deny us the truth. We should work to uncover the truth and advocate for an egalitarian
society between humans where people are in control and not the ignorant bureaucrats
which have led to nothing but tyranny and deaths and propaganda. We should smite
capitalism, fascism and all those ideologies that are bringing nothing but lies, burn down to
the ground and build up the society which our ancestors have always wanted from the
ashes of the old world. We should fight over oppression and exploitation at every corner.
Simple. AS. That.

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