Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


faster, and often grow in the direction of the nutrient source.
Even the shape of the bacteria changes from an oval to a
longer form in these fast growing regions. The molecular basis
of this shape transformationremains unresolved.
In another example of the influence of the surface on
colony dynamics, the periphery of colonies grown on wet sur-
faces contains very motile (moveable) bacteria. Their motion
is constrained by the high number of bacteria. The results is
the formation of so-called “whirls and jets” that form, disap-
pear and re-form. These motions, which appear under the
light microscopeto be very random and chaotic, are in fact
very highly organized and helps drive the further formation of
the colony.
Another phenomenon of colony formation is the com-
munication between constituent cells. This is also known as
“cross-talk.” Cells of the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum,
for example, can actually signal one another when growing
in a colony, especially in nutrient-poor environments. Cells
that encounter nutrients emit a compound called cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). The subsequent growth
of cells is in the direction of the increasing cAMP concen-
tration. Visually, a spiraling pattern of growth results.
Mounds of amoebas also form. The microbes at the top of the
mounds produce spores that can become dispersed by air
movement, allowing the colonization and new colony forma-
tion of other surfaces.
Chemical signalling within a colony has also been
demonstrated in yeast, such as Candida mogiiand in bacteria,
such as Escherichia coli.

See alsoAgar and agarose; Biofilm formation and dynamic

CColwell, Rita R.OLWELL, RITAR.(1934- )

American marine microbiologist

Rita R. Colwell is a leader in marine biotechnology, the
application of molecular techniques to marine biology for
the harvesting of medical, industrial and aquaculture prod-
ucts from the sea. As a scientist and professor, Colwell has
investigated the ecology, physiology, and evolutionary rela-
tionships of marine bacteria. As a founder and president of
the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, she has
nurtured a vision to improve the environment and human
health by linking molecular biologyand genetics to basic
knowledge scientists have gleaned from life and chemistry in
the oceans.
Rita Rossi was born in Beverly, Massachusetts, the
seventh of eight children to parents Louis and Louise Di
Palma Rossi. Her father was an Italian immigrant who estab-
lished his own construction company, and her mother was an
artistic woman who worked to help ensure her children
would have a good education. She died when her daughter
was just thirteen years old, but she had expressed pride in her
success in school. In the sixth grade, after Rossi had scored
higher on an IQ test than anyone previously in her school,
the principal sternly stressed that Rossi had the responsibil-
ity to go to college. Eventually, Rossi received a full schol-
arship from Purdue University. She earned her B.S. degree
with distinction in bacteriology in 1956. Although she had
been accepted to medical school, Rossi chose instead to earn
a master’s degree so that she could remain at the same insti-
tution as graduate student Jack Colwell, whom she married
on May 31, 1956. Colwell would have continued her studies
in bacteriology, but the department chairman at Purdue
informed her that giving fellowship money to women would
have been a waste. She instead earned her master’s degree in
the department of genetics. The University of Washington,
Seattle, granted her a Ph.D. in 1961 for work on bacteria
commensal to marine animals, which is the practice of an
organism obtaining food or other benefits from another
without either harming or helping it. Colwell’s contributions
included establishing the basis for the systematics of marine
In 1964, Georgetown University hired Colwell as an
assistant professor, and gave her tenure in 1966. Colwell and
her research team were the first to recognize that the bac-
terium that caused cholera occurred naturally in estuaries.
They isolated the bacterium from Chesapeake Bay and in
ensuing years sought to explain how outbreaks in human
populations might be tied to the seasonal abundance of the
host organisms in the sea, particularly plankton. In 1972,
Colwell took a tenured professorship at the University of
Maryland. Her studies expanded to include investigations on
the impact of marine pollution at the microbial level. Among
her findings was that the presence of oil in estuarine and
open ocean water was associated with the numbers of bacte-
ria able to break down oil. She studied whether some types
of bacteria might be used to treat oil spills. Colwell and her
colleagues also made a discovery that held promise for
improving oyster yields in aquaculture—a bacterial film

Colonies of Penicillium notatus, showing surrounding zone of
bacterial inhibition. This is the phenomenon noted by Fleming in 1929,
that led to his discovery of Penicillin. Undated.

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