Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


ications aimed at eradicating the infectious organism may be
An outbreak of amebic dysentery can occur seemingly
mysteriously because the carrier of the amoeba may be with-
out symptoms, especially in a temperate zone. A person with
inadequate sanitation can spread the disease through food that
he has handled. Often, health officials can trace a disease out-
break back to a single kitchen and then test the cooks for evi-
dence of amebic dysentery.
Before the idea of the spread of infectious agents was
understood, dysentery often was responsible for more casualties

among the ranks of armies than was actual combat. It also was
a constant presence among prisoners, who often died because
little or no medical assistance was available to them. Dysentery
remains a condition present throughout the world that requires
vigilance. Prevention is the most effective means to maintain
the health of populations living in close quarters. Hand washing,
especially among food preparation personnel, and water purifi-
cation are the most effective means of prevention.

See alsoWaste water treatment; Water pollution and purifica-
tion; Water quality

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