Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1
WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Electron microscope, transmission and scanning


ten or twenty thousand more patients. There was no halting the
demand, however, and the Georg Speyer Haus ultimately
manufactured and distributed 65,000 units of 606 to physi-
cians all over the globe free of charge. Eventually, the large-
scale production of 606, under the commercial name
“Salvarsan,” was taken over by Höchst Chemical Works. The
next four years, although largely triumphant, were also filled
with reports of patients’ deaths and maiming at the hands of
doctors who failed to administer Salvarsan properly.
In 1913, in an address to the International Medical
Congress in London, Ehrlich cited trypan red and Salvarsan as
examples of the power of chemotherapy and described his
vision of chemotherapy’s future. The City of Frankfurt hon-
ored Ehrlich by renaming the street in front of the Georg
Speyer Haus “Paul Ehrlichstrasse.” Yet in 1914, Ehrlich was
forced to defend himself against claims made by a Frankfurt
newspaper, Die Wahrheit(The Truth), that Ehrlich was testing
Salvarsan on prostitutes against their will, that the drug was a
fraud, and that Ehrlich’s motivation for promoting it was per-
sonal monetary gain. In June 1914, Frankfurt city authorities
took action against the newspaper and Ehrlich testified in
court as an expert witness. Ehrlich’s name was finally cleared
and the newspaper’s publisher sentenced to a year in jail, but
the trial left Ehrlich deeply depressed. In December, 1914, he
suffered a mild stroke.
Ehrlich’s health failed to improve and the start of World
War I had further discouraged him. Afflicted with arterioscle-
rosis, his health deteriorated rapidly. He died in Bad
Homburg, Prussia (now Germany), on August 20, 1915, after
a second stroke. Ehrlich was buried in Frankfurt. Following
the German Nazi era, during which time Ehrlich’s widow and
daughters were persecuted as Jews before fleeing the country
and the sign marking Paul Ehrlichstrasse was torn down,
Frankfurt once again honored its famous resident. The
Institute for Experimental Therapy changed its name to the
Paul Ehrlich Institute and began offering the biennial Paul
Ehrlich Prize in one of Ehrlich’s fields of research as a memo-
rial to its founder.

See alsoHistory of immunology; History of microbiology;
History of public health; History of the development of antibi-
otics; Infection and resistance


AND SCANNINGElectron microscope, transmission and scanning

Described by the Nobel Society as “one of the most important
inventions of the century,” the electron microscopeis a valu-
able and versatile research tool. The first working models
were constructed by German engineers Ernst Ruskaand Max
Knoll in 1932, and since that time, the electron microscope has
found numerous applications in chemistry, engineering, medi-
cine, molecular biologyand genetics.
Electron microscopes allow molecular biologists to
study small structural details related to cellular function.
Using an electron microscope, it is possible to observe and

study many internal cellular structures (organelles). Electron
microscopy can also be used to visualize proteins, virus parti-
cles, and other microbiological materials.
At the turn of the twentieth century, the science of
microscopy had reached an impasse: because all optical
microscopes relied upon visible light, even the most powerful
could not detect an image smaller than the wavelength of light
used. This was tremendously frustrating for physicists, who
were anxious to study the structure of matter on an atomic
level. Around this time, French physicist Louis de Brogliethe-
orized that subatomic particles sometimes act like waves, but
with much shorter wavelengths. Ruska, then a student at the
University of Berlin, wondered why a microscope couldn’t be
designed that was similar in function to a normal microscope
but used a beam of electrons instead of a beam of light. Such
a microscope could resolve images thousands of times smaller
than the wavelength of visible light.
There was one major obstacle to Ruska’s plan, how-
ever. In a compound microscope, a series of lenses are used
to focus, magnify, and refocus the image. In order for an
electron-based instrument to perform as a microscope, some
device was required to focus the electron beam. Ruska knew
that electrons could be manipulated within a magnetic field,
and in the late 1920s, he designed a magnetic coil that acted
as an electron lens. With this breakthrough, Ruska and Knoll
constructed their first electron microscope. Though the pro-
totype model was capable of magnification of only a few
hundred power (about that of an average laboratory micro-
scope), it proved that electrons could indeed be used in

A transmission electron microscope.

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