Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1
Evolutionary origin of bacteria and viruses WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY


changes in the numbers of different forms of a gene (allelic
frequency) that result from sexual reproduction. Genetic drift
can occur as a result of random mating (random genetic drift)
or be profoundly affected by geographical barriers, cata-
strophic events (e.g., natural disasters or wars that signifi-
cantly affect the reproductive availability of selected members
of a population), and other political-social factors.
Natural selection is based upon the differences in the
viability and reproductive success of different genotypes with
a population (differential reproductive success). Natural selec-
tion can only act on those differences in genotypethat appear
as phenotypic differences that affect the ability to attract a
mate and produce viable offspring that are, in turn, able to live,
mate and continue the species. Evolutionary fitness is the suc-
cess of an entity in reproducing (i.e., contributing alleles to the
next generation).
There are three basic types of natural selection. With
directional selection, an extreme phenotypeis favored (e.g.,
for height or length of neck in giraffe). Stabilizing selection
occurs when intermediate phenotypeis fittest (e.g., neither too
high or low a body weight) and for this reason it is often
referred to a normalizing selection. Disruptive selection
occurs when two extreme phenotypes are fitter that an inter-
mediate phenotype.
Natural selection does not act with foresight. Rapidly
changing environmental conditions can, and often do, impose
new challenges for a species that result in extinction. In addi-
tion, evolutionary mechanisms, including natural selection, do
not always act to favor the fittest in any population, but instead
may act to favor the more numerous but tolerably fit.
The operation of natural evolutionary mechanisms
exhibited in microorganisms is complicated in humans by geo-
graphic, ethnic, religious, and social groups and customs.
Accordingly, the effects of various evolution mechanisms on
human populations are not as easy to predict. Increasingly
sophisticated statistical studies are carried out by population
geneticists to characterize changes in the human genome,
especially with regard to immunological differences between

See alsoAntibiotic resistance, tests for; Evolutionary origin of
bacteria and viruses; Extraterrestrial microbiology; Immu-
nogenetics; Miller-Urey experiment; Molecular biology and
molecular genetics; Molecular biology, central dogma of;
Mutants, enhanced tolerance or sensitivity to temperature and
pH ranges; Mutations and mutagenesis; Radiation mutagene-
sis; Radiation resistant bacteria; Rare genotype advantage;
Viral genetics


AND VIRUSESEvolutionary origin of bacteria and viruses

Earth formed between 4.5 and 6 billion years ago. Conditions
initially remained inhospitable for the potential development
of life. By about 3.0 billion years ago, however, an atmosphere
that contained the appropriate blend of nitrogen, oxygen, car-

bon, and hydrogen allowed life to commence. The formation
of proteins and nucleic acids led to the generation of the
genetic code, contained in deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic
acids, and the protein machinery to translate the information
into a tangible product.
Fossil evidence indicates that one of the first life forms
to arise were bacteria. The planetary conditions that were the
norm four to six billion years ago were much different from
now. Oxygen was scarce, and extremes of factors such as tem-
perature and atmospheric radiation were more common than
now. Although the exact origin of bacteria will likely never be
known, the present-day bacteria that variously tolerate
extremes of temperature, salt concentration, radiation, pHand
other such environmental factors may be examples of the orig-
inal bacteria.
Such “extremophiles” are part of the division of life
known as the Archae, specifically the archaebacteria.
Whether bacteria originated in the sea or on land
remains a mystery. The available evidence, however, supports
the origin of bacteria in the sea. With the advent of molecular
means of comparing the relatedness of bacteria, it has been
shown that most of the bacteria known to exist on land bear
some resemblance to one another. But, only some 10% of the
bacteria from the ocean are in any way related to their terres-
trial counterparts. In support of the origin of bacteria in the
ancient seas is the discovery of the vast quantities and variety
of virusesin seawater.
The discovery in the 1970s of bacteria thriving at
hydrothermal ventsdeep beneath the surface of the ocean sug-
gests that bacterial life in the ancient oceans was at least cer-
tainly possible. Such bacteria would derive their energy from
chemical compounds present in their environment. It is also
likely that bacterial life was also developing concurrently in
response to another energy source, the sun. Indeed, the evolu-
tionarily ancient cyanobacteria are photosynthetic microor-
ganisms, which derive their energy from sunlight.
One type of bacteria that is definitely known to have been
among the first to appear on Earth is the cyanobacteria. Fossils
of cyanobacteria have been uncovered that date back almost 4
billion years. These bacteria are suited to the low oxygen levels
that were present in the planet’s atmosphere at that time. The
cyanobacteria produced oxygen as a waste gas of their meta-
bolic processes and so helped to create an atmosphere contain-
ing a greater amount of oxygen. Other, oxygen-requiring
bacteria could then develop, along with other life forms.
In contrast to bacteria, scientists debate if viruses are
alive. They are not capable of their own reproduction. Instead,
they require the presence of a host in which they can introduce
their genetic material. Through the formation of products
encoded by the viral genetic material and by the use of aspects
of the host’s replication machinery, viruses are able to direct
the manufacture and assembly of components to produce new
The nature of viral replication requires the prior pres-
ence of a host. It remains unclear whether the first virus arose
from a prokaryotic host, such as a bacterium, or a eukaryotic
host. However, the appearance of prokaryotic life prior to

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