Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1
WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Extraterrestrial microbiology


eukaryotic life argues for the origin of viruses as an evolu-
tionary offshoot of prokaryotes.
Scientists are in general agreement that the first virus
was a fragment of DNAor ribonucleic acid(RNA) from a even-
tual prokaryotic or eukaryotic host. The genetic fragment
somehow was incorporated into a eukaryotic and became
replicated along with the host’s genetic material. Over evolu-
tionary time, different viruses developed, having differing
specificities for the various bacteria and eukaryotic cells that
were arising.
The evolutionary origin of viruses will likely remain
conjectural. No fossilized virus has been detected. Indeed, the
minute size of viruses makes any distinction of their structure
against the background of the rock virtually impossible.
Likewise, bacterial fossilization results in the destruction of
internal detail. If a virus were to be present in a fossilizing
bacterium, any evidence would be obliterated over time.
Some details as to the evolutionary divergence of
viruses from a common ancestor are being realized by the
comparison of the sequence of evolutionarily maintained
sequences of genetic material. This area of investigation is
known as virus molecular systematics.
The comparison of a number of genesequences of viral
significance, for example the enzyme reverse transcriptase
that is possessed by retrovirusesand pararetroviruses, is con-
sistent with the evolutionary emergence of not one specific
type of virus, but rather of several different types of viruses.
The present day plethora of viruses subsequently evolved
from these initial few viral types (or “supergroups” as they
have been dubbed). So, in contrast to an evolutionary “tree.”
viral evolutionary origin resembles more of a bush. Each of
the several branches of the bush developed independently of
one another. Furthermore, the consensus among virologists
(scientists who study viruses) is that this independent evolu-
tiondid not occur at the same time or progress at the same rate.
In scientific terms, the viral evolution is described as being
The evolution of viruses with life forms, including bac-
teria, likely occurred together. On other words, as bacteria
increased in diversity and in the complexity of their surfaces,
new viruses evolved to be able to utilize the bacteria as a repli-
cation factory. Similarly, as more complex eukaryotic life
forms appeared, such as plants, insects, birds, and mammals,
viruses evolved that were capable of utilizing these as hosts.

See also Bacterial kingdoms; Evolution and evolutionary
mechanisms; Mitochondrial DNA


EExtraterrestrial microbiologyXTRATERRESTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY

Extraterrestrial microbiology is the study of microbiological
processes that could occur outside of the boundaries of Earth,
or on other bodies in the solar system. While such microor-

ganismshave not yet been found, recent findings of living
bacteriain very inhospitable environments on Earth, com-
bined with the existence of water on planets such as Mars,
have buttressed the possibility that life in similar conditions on
other planets is not inconceivable.
The scientific search for extraterrestrial life began in
1860, when the microbiologist Louis Pasteurattempted and
failed to culturebacteria from the Orgueil meteorite.
The search for extraterrestrial life has always been one
of the curiosities that has pulled man into the exploration of
space. As the chemistries of the planets in our solar system
became clearer, the possibilities for human-like life faded.
However, at about the same time, the diversity of microbial
life on Earth became more apparent. In particular, a type of
evolutionarily ancient microorganism known as archaebacte-
ria was isolated from extremely harsh environments, such as
hot springs, thermal hot vents on the ocean floor, and from
deep in the subsurface of the planet. In contrast to life forms
that require oxygen and organic carbon, archaebacteria live on
hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Planetary bodies such as Mars
and Europa contain atmospheres of hydrogen and carbon
dioxide. Thus, theoretically, archaebacteria could find such
planets hospitable. Moreover, the finding of bacterial life
below the Earth’s surface makes the probability of similar life
elsewhere greater. Other worlds are more likely to have, or
have had, hot and oxygen-limited conditions similar to ther-
mal vents or the subsurface, rather than the sunlight, oxygen-
rich atmosphere of Earth’s surface. Furthermore, the now
prevailing view that archaebacteria are very ancient indicates
that life on Earth may have arisen from environments now
considered inhospitable. The environment on other solar bod-
ies may be similar to what Earth experienced when microbial
life first arose.
Unmanned probes have explored a variety of bodies in
our solar system. One such stellar body, Europa, has so far not
proved to be a source of life. Probes sent to scan the planet’s
surface found only lifeless slush. However, two of the moons,
which orbit the gas planet Saturn, are of interest. Enceladus
has visual signs and chemical signals consistent with the pres-
ence of liquid water. The other moon, Titan, is icy and spectral
monitoring of the surface has detected signals indicative of
organic compounds.
By far the bulk of interest in extraterrestrial microbiol-
ogy has centered on the planet Mars. Interest in Mars as a
potential supporter of microbiological life prompted the
Vikingmission that occurred in 1976. The, in two separate
missions, proves landed on different regions of the planet ad
conducted experiments designed to detect signature molecules
of microbiological activity. One experiment, the gas exchange
experiment, sought to detect alterations in the composition of
gases in a test chamber. The alterations would presumable be
due to microbial decomposition of nutrients, with the con-
sumption of some gases and the release of others. The results
were equivocal at first, but with examination were thought to
be the result of abiological activity, specifically solar ultravio-
let radiation. In a second experiment, radioactive nutrient was
released into wetted Martian soil. Bacterial metabolismwould
be evident by the appearance of different radioactive com-

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