Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


probe is designed to detect minute amounts of carbon, and all
metabolic forms of the atom. For example, experiments will
look for the presence of methane, such as would be produced
by methanogenic bacteria.
In addition to extraterrestrial microbial life, interest has
arisen over the possibility that extraterrestrial microorganisms
could find their way to Earth. Transport of microorganisms via
meteorites and on material ejected from the solar body by a
meteorite impact has been proposed. In the 1990s, the electron
microscopic examinationof meteorite ALH84001, which
originated from Mars, found bacteria-like objects. Their
shape, size and chemistry were at the time consistent with a
biological origin. However, further study negated this possi-
bility and no other such observations have been made.

See alsoAnaerobes and anaerobic infections; Biogeochemical
cycles; Extremophiles


Extremophiles is a term that refers to bacteriathat are able to
exist and thrive in environments that are extremely harsh, in
terms of those environments classically envisioned as hos-
pitable to the growth of bacteria.
The discovery of extremophiles, beginning in the 1970s,
has had three major influences on microbiology and the
biotechnologyindustry. Firstly, the discovery of bacteria
growing in environments such as the hot springs of
Yellowstone National Park and around the hydrothermal vents
located on the ocean floor (where the bacteria are in fact the
fundamental basis of the specialized ecosystem that is fueled
by the vents) has greatly increased the awareness of the possi-
bilities for bacterial life on Earth and elsewhere. Indeed, the
growth of some extremophiles occurs in environments that by
all indications could exist on planets such as Mars and other
stellar bodies. Thus, extremophilic bacteria might conceivably
not be confined to Earth.
The second major influence of extremophiles has been
the broadening of the classification of the evolutionary devel-
opment of life on Earth. With the advent of molecular means
of comparing the genetic sequences of highly conserved
regions from various life forms, it became clear that
extremophiles were not simply offshoots of bacteria, but
rather had diverged from both bacteria and eukaryotic cells
early in evolutionary history. Extremophilic bacteria are
grouped together in a domain called archaea. Archae share
similarities with bacteria and with eukaryotes.
Thirdly, extremophiles are continuing to prove to be a
rich trove of enzymesthat are useful in biotechnological
processes. The hardiness of the enzymes, such as their ability
to maintain function at high temperatures, has been crucial to
the development of biotechnology. A particularly well-known
example is the so-called tag polymerase enzyme isolated from
the extremophile Thermus aquaticus. This enzyme is funda-
mental to the procedures of the polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) procedure that has revolutionized biotechnology.

There are several environments that are inhospitable to
all but those extremophilic bacteria that have adapted to live
in them. The best studied is elevated temperature. Heat-loving
bacteria are referred to as thermophiles. More than 50 species
of thermophiles have been discovered to date. Such bacteria
tolerate temperatures far above the tolerable limits known for
any animal, plant, or other bacteria. Some thermophiles, such
as Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, are capable of growth and repro-
duction in water temperatures that exceed 212° F [100° C] (the
boiling point of water at sea level). The most heat-tolerant
thermophile known so far is Pyrolobus fumarii, that grows in
the walls of the hydrothermal vents where temperatures
exceed 200° F [93.33° C]. In fact, the bacterium requires a
temperature above 194° F [90° C] to sustain growth. The basis
of the thermophile’s ability to prevent dissolution of cell wall
constituents and genetic material at such high temperatures is
Other examples of extreme environments include ele-
vated salt, pressure, and extreme acid or base concentrations.
Salt-loving, or halophilic, bacteria grow in environ-
ments where the sodium concentration is extremely high, such
as in the Dead Sea or Great Salt Lake. In such an environment,
a bacterium such as Escherichia coliwould compensate for
the discrepancy in sodium concentration between the bac-
terium’s interior and exterior by shunting all the internal fluid
to the exterior. The result would be the collapse and death of
the bacterium. However, salt-loving bacteria such as
Halobacterium salinarumcontent with the sodium discrep-
ancy by increasing the internal concentration of potassium
chloride. The enzymes of the bacterium operate only in a
potassium chloride-rich environment. Yet the proteins pro-
duced by the action of these enzymes need to be tolerant of
high sodium chloride levels. How the enzymes are able to
accommodate both demands is not clear.
Acid-loving extremophiles prefer environments where
the pHis below pH=5, while alkaline-loving bacteria require
pHs above pH=9. Thriving populations of acid-loving bacteria
have been isolated in the runoff from acidic mine drainage,
where the pH is below one, which is more acidic than the con-
tents of the stomach. Interestingly, these bacteria are similar to
other bacteria in the near neutral pH of their interior. Very
acidic pHs would irreversibly damage the genetic material.
Acid-loving bacteria thus survive by actively excluding acid.
The enzymes necessary to achieve this function at very acidic
pH levels.
Similarly, alkaline-loving bacteria maintain a near neu-
tral interior pH. The enzymes that function at such alkaline
conditions are of interest to manufacturers of laundry deter-
gents, which operate better at alkaline pHs.
Some extremophiles grow and thrive at very low tem-
peratures. For example, Polaromonas vacuolatahas an ideal
growth temperature of just slightly above the freezing point of
water. These bacteria are finding commercial applications in
enzymatic processes that operate at refrigeration temperatures
or in the cold cycle of a washing machine.
The discovery of bacteria in environments that were
previously disregarded as being completely inhospitable for
bacterial life argues that more extremophiles are yet to be

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