Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1
Genetic regulation of eukaryotic cells WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY


genes. If a characteristic C turns out in breeding experiments
to have 9% crossover with B and 17% crossover with A, it
would then be located between A and B at a point 9 units from
B and 17 units from A. Compiling the information from many
such breeding experiments creates a chromosome map that
indicates the relative positions of the genes that code for cer-
tain characteristics. Accordingly, the further apart any two
genes are on the same chromosome, the greater the incidence
of crossing over between them.
A linkage map is limited because recombinationfre-
quencies can be distorted relative to the physical distance
between sites. As a result, the linkage map is not always the
best possible representation of genetic material.
While linkage maps only indicate relative positions of
genes, physical maps are more accurate and aim to show the
actual number of nucleotides between each gene. Restriction
maps are constructed by cleaving DNAinto fragments with
restriction enzymes. These enzymesrecognize specific short
DNA sequences and cut the duplex. The distances between the
sites of cleavage are then measured. The positions of the tar-
get restriction sites for these enzymes along the chromosome
can be used as DNA markers. Restriction sites generally exist
in the same positions on homologous chromosomes so the
positions of these target sites can be used rather like mile-
stones along a road and can act as reference points for locat-
ing significant features in the chromosome.
A map of the positions of restriction sites can be made
for a localized region of a chromosome. It is made by com-
paring the sizes of single enzyme breakages (digests) of the
region of interest with double digests of the same region.
This means that two different restriction enzymes are
applied, one to each of two separate chromosome extracts of
the region of interest, and subsequently the two enzymes are
used together in a third digestion with the chromosome
extract. The chromosome fragments resulting from the three
digestions are then subjected to a biochemical procedure
known as gel electrophoresis, which separates them and
gives an estimation of their size. Comparison of the sizes of
the chromosome fragments resulting from single and double
restriction enzyme digestions allows for an approximate
location of the target restriction sites. Thus, such maps rep-
resent linear sequences of restriction sites. As this procedure
determines the sizes of digested chromosome fragments, the
distances between sites in terms of the length of DNA can be
calculated, because the size of a fragment estimated from an
electrophoresis experiment is proportional to the number of
base pairs in that fragment.
A restriction map does not intrinsically identify sites if
genetic interest. For it to be of practical use, mutationshave to
be characterized in terms of their effects upon the restriction
sites. In the 1980s, it was shown how restriction fragment
length polymorphisms (RFLPs) could be used to map human
disease genes. RFLPs are inherited by Mendelian segregation
and are distributed in populations as classical examples of
common genetic polymorphisms. If such a DNA variant is
located close to a defective gene (which can not be tested
directly), the DNA variant can be used as a marker to detect
the presence of the disease-causing gene. The prenatal exami-

nation of DNA for particular enzyme sites associated with cer-
tain hereditary diseases has proved to be an important method
of diagnosis. Clinically useful polymorphic restriction enzyme
sites have been detected within the Beta-like globin gene clus-
ter. For example, the absence of a recognition site for the
restriction enzyme HpaI is frequently associated with the
allele for sickle-cell anemia, and this association has been use-
ful in prenatal diagnosis of this disease.
The ultimate genetic map is the complete nucleotide
sequence of the DNA in the whole chromosome complement,
or genome, of an organism. Today, several completed genome
maps already exist. Simple prokaryotic organisms, e.g., bacte-
ria, with their relatively small (one to two million base pairs)
chromosomes of one to two million base pairs were the first to
be mapped. Later, eukaryotic organisms such as the yeast,
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the nematode worm,
Caenorhabditis elegans, were mapped. In 2000, the Human
Genome Project produced the first draft of the human genome.
The project adopted two methods for mapping the 3 billion
nucleotides. The earlier approach was a “clone by clone”
method. In this, the entire genome was cut into fragments up
to several thousand base pairs long, and inserted into synthetic
chromosomes known as bacterial artificial chromosomes
(BACs). The subsequent mapping step involved positioning
the BACs on the genome’s chromosomes by looking for dis-
tinctive marker sequences called sequence tagged sites
(STSs), whose location had already been pinpointed. Clones
of the BACs are then broken into smaller fragments in a
process known as shotgun cloning. Each small fragment was
then sequenced and computer algorithms, that recognize
matching sequence information from overlapping fragments,
were used to reconstruct the complete sequence inserted into
each BAC. It was later argued that the first mapping step was
unnecessary and that the algorithms used to reassemble the
shotgunned DNA fragments could be applied to cloned ran-
dom fragments taken directly from the whole genome. In this
whole genome shotgun strategy, fragments were first assem-
bled by algorithms into larger scaffolds and the correct posi-
tion of these scaffolds on the genome was worked out by
STSs. The latter method speeded up the whole procedure con-
siderably and is currently being used to sequence genomes
from other organisms.

See alsoCloning, application of cloning to biological prob-
lems; Fungal genetics; Gene amplification; Gene; Genetic
code; Genetic identification of microorganisms; Genetic regu-
lation of eukaryotic cells; Genetic regulation of prokaryotic
cells; Genotype and phenotype; Microbial genetics


CELLSGenetic regulation of eukaryotic cells

Although prokaryotes (i.e., non-nucleated unicellular organ-
isms) divide through binary fission, eukaryotesundergo a
more complex process of cell division because DNAis packed
in several chromosomeslocated inside a cell nucleus. In

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