Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


In the process of attenuation, a gene that codes for an
enzyme required for the synthesis of an amino acid is not
active until the level of that amino acid lowers to some thresh-
old level. At this level, the molecules called ribosomesphysi-
cally stall as they move down the beginning of the RNA
template that encodes protein. The stalling prevents the for-
mation of a signal that otherwise stops the onward movement
of the ribosomes. After the pause, because the stop signal has
not formed, the ribosomes resume their movement and the
protein is produced. When the level of the critical amino acid
is higher, the ribosomes do not stall, encounter a stop signal,
and the synthesis of the protein does not occur.
These processes operate simultaneously for many genes
in a bacterium. For some of these genes, the controlling fac-
tors are independent of one another. But for other proteins, a
common factor, such as a sensory protein that can sense
changes in the environment and provide a signal to the various
regulatory processes, also operates. This genetic regulation
pattern is referred to as global regulation. An example of
global regulation is a phenomenon called diauxic growth,
which is exemplified by the lactose operon(also called the lac
operon). Diauxic growth allows a bacterium to preferentially
utilize one nutrient (such as glucose) when two nutrients (such
as glucose and lactose) are present. When the preferred source
is exhausted, metabolismcan switch so as to utilize the second
source (lactose). This nutrient preference involves genetic reg-
ulation of protein production.
Other genetic regulatory mechanisms operate in
response to fluctuations in temperature, pH, oxygen level, the
attraction or repulsion of a bacterium from a compound
(chemotaxis), and the production of a spore.

See also Cell cycle (prokaryotic), genetic regulation of;
Microbial genetics



GGenotype and phenotypeENOTYPE AND PHENOTYPE

The term genotype describes the actual set (complement) of
genes carried by an organism. In contrast, phenotyperefers to
the observable expression of characters and traits coded for by
those genes. Although phenotypes are based upon the content of
the underlying genes comprising the genotype, the expression
of those genes in observable traits (phenotypic expression) is
also, to varying degrees, influenced by environmental factors.
The term genotype was first used by Danish geneticist
Wilhelm Johannsen (1857–1927) to describe the entire genetic
or hereditary constitution of an organism, In contrast,
Johannsen described displayed characters or traits (e.g.,
anatomical traits, biochemical traits, physiological traits, etc.)
as an organism’s phenotype.
Genotype and phenotype represent very real differences
between genetic composition and expressed form. The geno-

type is a group of genetic markers that describes the particular
forms or variations of genes (alleles) carried by an individual.
Accordingly, an individual’s genotype includes all the alleles
carried by that individual. An individual’s genotype, because
it includes all of the various alleles carried, determines the
range of traits possible (e.g., a individual’s potential to be
afflicted with a particular disease). In contrast to the possibil-
ities contained within the genotype, the phenotype reflects the
manifest expression of those possibilities (potentialities).
Phenotypic traits include obvious observable traits as height,
weight, eye color, hair color, etc. The presence or absence of a
disease, or symptoms related to a particular disease state, is
also a phenotypic trait.
A clear example of the relationship between genotype
and phenotype exists in cases where there are dominant and
recessive alleles for a particular trait. Using an simplified
monogenetic (one gene, one trait) example, a capital “T”
might be used to represent a dominant allele at a particular
locus coding for tallness in a particular plant, and the lower-
case “t” used to represent the recessive allele coding for
shorter plants. Using this notation, a diploid plant will possess
one of three genotypes: TT, Tt, or tt (the variation tT is identi-
cal to Tt). Although there are three different genotypes,
because of the laws governing dominance, the plants will be
either tall or short (two phenotypes). Those plants with a TT
or Tt genotype are observed to be tall (phenotypically tall).
Only those plants that carry the tt genotype will be observed
to be short (phenotypically short).
In humans, there is genotypic sex determination. The
genotypic variation in sex chromosomes, XX or XY deci-
sively determines whether an individual is female (XX) or
male (XY) and this genotypic differentiation results in consid-
erable phenotypic differentiation.
Although the relationships between genetic and envi-
ronmental influences vary (i.e., the degree to which genes
specify phenotype differs from trait to trait), in general, the
more complex the biological process or trait, the greater the
influence of environmental factors. The genotype almost com-
pletely directs certain biological processes. Genotype, for
example, strongly determines when a particular tooth devel-
ops. How long an individual retains a particular tooth, is to a
much greater extent, determined by environmental factors
such diet, dental hygiene, etc.
Because it is easier to determine observable phenotypic
traits that it is to make an accurate determination of the rele-
vant genotype associated with those traits, scientists and
physicians place increasing emphasis on relating (correlating)
phenotype with certain genetic markers or genotypes.
There are, of course, variable ranges in the nature of the
genotype-environment association. In many cases, genotype-
environment interactions do not result in easily predictable
phenotypes. In rare cases, the situation can be complicated by
a process termed phenocopy where environmental factors pro-
duce a particular phenotype that resembles a set of traits coded
for by a known genotype not actually carried by the individ-
ual. Genotypic frequencies reflect the percentage of various
genotypes found within a given group (population) and phe-
notypic frequencies reflect the percentage of observed expres-

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