Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1
WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Hemorrhagic fevers and diseases


ties in the infectious ability of the virus. Indeed, hemagglu-
tinin is the major virulence (disease-causing) factor of the
influenza virus.
There are three distinct haemagglutinins important in
human infections that are encoded by genes in the virus. These
are designated as H1, H2, and H3. Animal influenza viruses
contain nine additional types of hemagglutinin.
Neuraminidase is the common name for acetyl-neu-
raminyl hydrolase. The glycoprotein compound is an enzyme.
The enzyme removes residues called N-Acetyl-neuraminic
acid from chains of sugars and from other glycoproteins. The
disruption of the neuraminic acid residues allows the virus to
both pass out of the human epithelial cells in which it is repli-
cating, and enter new cells to initiate a new round of viral
replication. The activity of neuraminidase disrupts the mucous
fluid that is present in the respiratory tract. Also, possession of
neuraminidase keeps the viruses from aggregating with other
virus particles. The result of these activities is to ease the
spread of the virus through the respiratory tract.
Two different species of neuraminidase, designated N1
and N2, are important in human infections, while seven addi-
tional species are important in animal influenza viruses.
Inhibitors of neuraminidase have been developed in an
effort to thwart the viral infection. The inhibitors are struc-
turally similar to the silica acid on the surface of human
epithelial cells. The rational is that the virus will bind to the
inhibitor rather than to the human cells, and the inhibitor-viral
complex can be removed from the body.
Hemagglutinin and neuraminidase are used in the des-
ignation of the different antigenic types of the influenza virus
that have and continue to appear. For example, Influenza
A/Taiwan/86/H1N1 is an influenza A strain of the H1 hemag-
glutinin type and N1 neuraminidase type that was first isolated
in Taiwan in 1986.
Both hemagglutinin and neuraminidase tend to
undergo what is termed antigenic drift, which is a slight but
frequent change in the antigenic character. The slight change
is still usually enough to thwart the recognition capabilities
of the immune system. Hence, annual vaccinations are nec-
essary to minimize the chance of acquiring an influenza
infection. A major antigenic change in one or both of the gly-
coproteins, as happened in the 1918 virus, is termed anti-
genic shift.

See alsoFlu, the great flu epidemic of 1918; Mutations and





HHemorrhagic fevers and diseasesEMORRHAGIC FEVERS AND DISEASES

Hemorrhagic diseases are caused by infection with virusesor
bacteria. As the name implies, a hallmark of a hemorrhagic
disease is copious bleeding. The onset of a hemorrhagic fever
or disease can lead to relatively mild symptoms that clear up
within a short time. However, hemorrhagic diseases are most
recognized because of the ferocity and lethality of their symp-
toms as well as the speed at which they render a person
extremely ill.
Virtually all the hemorrhagic diseases of microbiologi-
cal origin that arise with any frequency are caused by viruses.
The various viral diseases are also known as viral hemorrhagic
fevers. Bacterial infections that lead to hemorrhagic fever are
rare. One example is a bacterium known as scrub typhus.
The viruses that cause hemorrhagic diseases are mem-
bers of four groups. These are the arenaviruses, filoviruses,
bunyaviruses, and the flaviviruses. Arenaviruses are the cause
of Argentine hemorrhagic fever, Bolivian hemorrhagic fever,
Sabia-associated hemorrhagic fever, Lassa fever,
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, and Venezuelan hemorrhagic
fever. The Bunyavirus group causes Crimean-Congo hemor-
rhagic fever, Rift Valley fever, and Hantavirus pulmonary syn-
drome. Filoviruses are the cause of Ebola hemorrhagic fever
and Marburg hemorrhagic fever. Lastly, the Flaviviruses cause
tick-borne encephalitis, yellow fever, Dengue hemorrhagic
fever, Kyasanur Forest disease, and Omsk hemorrhagic fever.
While the viruses in the groups display differences in
structure and severity of the symptoms they can cause, there
are some features that are shared by all the viruses. For
instance, all the hemorrhagic viruses contain ribonucleic acid
as their genetic material. The nucleic acid is contained within
a so-called envelope that is typically made of lipid.
Additionally, all the viruses require a host in which to live.
The animal or insect that serves as the host is also called the
natural reservoir of the particular virus. This natural reservoir
does not include humans. Infection of humans occurs only
incidentally upon contact with the natural reservoir.
Hemorrhagic diseases can be devastating for the victim.
The symptoms can progress from mild to catastrophic in only
hours. As a result, an outbreak of hemorrhagic disease tends to
be self-limiting in a short time. In some cases, this is because
the high death rate of those who are infected literally leaves
the virus with no host to infect. Often the outbreak fades away
as quickly as it appeared.
Hemorrhagic fever related illnesses appear in a geo-
graphical area where the natural reservoir and human are both
present. If the contact between the two species is close
enough, then the disease causing microorganism may be able
to pass from the species that is the natural reservoir to the
Although little is still clear about the state of the
microbes in their natural hosts, it is reasonably clear now that
the viruses do not damage these hosts as much as they do a
human who acquires the microorganisms. Clarifying the rea-
sons for the resistance of the natural host to the infections
would be helpful in finding an effective treatment for human
hemorrhagic diseases.

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