Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


infection in humans and other animals. The sugar chains of
smooth LPS can overlay the surface proteins of the outer
membrane, masking the proteins from immune detection.
Also, a bacterium can vary the chemistry of the O-antigen, so
as to make the targeting of antibodies to the bacterial surface
even more difficult. In contrast, the immune response to a
rough strain, where the surface proteins are not camouflaged,
is greater and more consistent.
Lipopolysaccharide is medically important to humans.
When free from the bacterium, LPS is toxic. The portion of the
LPS that is responsible for the toxicity is the core and lipid A
portion (the endotoxin). Endotoxin can produce a fever,
decrease in the number of white blood cells, and damage to
blood vessels resulting in reduced blood pressure. At high
enough endotoxin concentrations, shock can set in and death
can occur.

See alsoBacterial membranes and cell wall; Enterotoxin and
exotoxin; Immunization


LLister, Joseph ISTER, JOSEPH(1827-1912)

English surgeon

Joseph Lister contributed to a fundamental revolution in sur-
gery with the introduction of his antiseptic method. At the time
Lister was practicing medicine, the mortality rate for certain
injuries and surgeries was extremely high due to infection. The
mortality rate dropped drastically with the use of an antiseptic
method, and when used in conjunction with the anesthetics
that were available at the time, surgeons dared to perform
more complicated surgical procedures.
Lister was born to a well-known Quaker family at
Upton, England. Lister studied medicine at University
College, and received his medical degree in 1852. As a stu-
dent, Lister had the opportunity to be a spectator at the first
surgery performed with general anesthesia, performed by
Robert Liston (1794–1847). He also studied histology under
William Sharpey during which time, Lister wrote an important
paper on inflammationwhere he discussed the susceptibility to
disease of inflamed tissue. Lister was also interested in micro-
scopic anatomy and physiology, perhaps because his father,
Joseph Jackson Lister, was a microscopist. At one point, Lister
wanted to become a surgeon and left England to study at
Edinburgh University with James Syme (1799–1870), who
was well known for his success with performing amputations
and joint excisions. Syme, the first surgeon to adopt antisepsis
and anesthesia, eventually became Lister’s father-in-law.
As a surgeon, Lister was concerned with the high mor-
tality rate of post-amputation patients and the high rate of gan-
grene after surgery. Applying the knowledge that bacteria
caused disease, and drawing from Louis Pasteur’s work that
proved the existence of airborne microorganisms, Lister con-
cluded that airborne bacteria could cause infection in surgical

wounds. Lister read about the affect of carbolic acid used on
sewage bacteria in outhouses, cesspools, and stables in the
nearby town of Carlisle, and developed an antiseptic system
whereby he would spray carbolic acid in the operating room,
and use it to sterilize the surgical instruments and his hands. In
addition, he applied the acid in and around the wound, and
directly on the dressings. Lister first used this method in 1865
while treating a compound fracture of a leg, an injury that
often claimed about 60% of patients, and where amputation of
a limb was usually the only treatment. The procedure was suc-
cessful. Lister published his antiseptic method in The Lancet,
in 1867. There was one problem: carbolic acid, especially the
spray, was harmful to those who came in contact with it.
However, Lister found milder antisepticsand later heat-steril-
ized the surgical instruments. At first, the medical community
did not support Lister’s theory, but eventually his antiseptic
method gained recognition and was adopted as standard pro-
cedure for treating wounds and during surgery. Medics used
Lister’s antiseptic method, which proved to be effective, dur-
ing the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871). In 1877, Lister
became Professor of Surgery at King’s College, London.
Lister received many honors and awards. A dedicated
surgeon, he treated both inflicted and surgical wounds; he
experimented with various antiseptics, developed absorbable
sutures, and introduced a method of draining wounds. He was
the first British surgeon to be elevated to the peerage (became
a member of the House of Lords), and upon his death in 1912,
his remains were interred in Westminster Abbey. When he
died, it was said that Lister had saved more lives than all the
wars in history had claimed.

See alsoBacteria and bacterial infection; History of microbi-
ology; History of public health; Infection and resistance;
Infection control


JLoeffler, Friedrich August JohannesOHANNES(1852-1915)

German physician

Friedrich August Loeffler was a German physician who turned
his career path to focus on microbiology after becoming an
assistant to Robert Koch. Loeffler is accredited with the dis-
covery of several microorganisms including Loefflerella
mallei,the etiological agent of glanders, Corynebacterium
diphtheriae, the infectious organism of diphtheria; and
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae,the infectious agent that causes
cholera in swine. In addition to his discoveries of bacteria,
Loeffler determined that foot-and-mouth diseasewas due to an
infectious microorganism smaller than any bacteria (a virus).
Friedrich Loeffler began his studies in medicine at the
University of Würzburg but then transferred to the Army
Medical School shortly before the Franco-Prussian War. In
1872, Loeffler received his medical degree and then worked as
an assistant physician in Berlin at the Charté Hospital.
Beginning in 1876, he worked as a public healthofficer and
military surgeon in Potsdam and Hannover. This lasted until

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