Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1
WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Malaria and the physiology of parasitic infections


HLA-typing can provide valuable DNA-based evidence
contributing to the determination of identity in criminal cases.
This technology has been used in domestic criminal trials.
Additionally, it is a technology that has been applied interna-
tionally in the human-rights arena. For example, HLA-typing
had an application in Argentina following a military dictator-
ship that ended in 1983. The period under the dictatorship was
marked by the murder and disappearance of thousands who
were known or suspected of opposing the regime’s practices.
Children of the disappeared were often adopted by military
officials and others. HLA-typing was one tool used to deter-
mine non-parentage and return children of the disappeared to
their biological families.
HLA-typing has proved to be an invaluable tool in the
study of the evolutionary origins of human populations. This
information, in turn, contributes to an understanding of cul-
tural and linguistic relationships and practices among and
within various ethnic groups.

See alsoAntibody and antigen; Immunity, cell mediated;
Immunity, humoral regulation; Immunodeficiency disease
syndromes; Immunodeficiency diseases; Immunogenetics;
Immunological analysis techniques; Transplantation genetics
and immunology


PARASITIC INFECTIONSMalaria and the physiology of parasitic infections

Malaria is a disease caused by a unicellular parasite known as
Plasmodium.Although more than 100 different species of
Plasmodiumexist, only four types are known to infect humans
including, Plasmodium falciparum, vivax, malariae, and
ovale.While each type has a distinct appearance under the
microscope, they each can cause a different pattern of symp-
toms. Plasmodium falciparumis the major cause of death in
Africa, while Plasmodium vivaxis the most geographically
widespread of the species and the cause of most malaria cases
diagnosed in the United States. Plasmodium malariaeinfec-
tions produce typical malaria symptoms that persist in the
blood for very long periods, sometimes without ever produc-
ing symptoms. Plasmodium ovaleis rare, and is isolated to
West Africa. Obtaining the complete sequence of the
Plasmodiumgenome is currently under way.
The life cycle of Plasmodiumrelies on the insect host
(for example, the Anopheles mosquito) and the carrier host
(humans) for its propagation. In the insect host, the
Plasmodiumparasite undergoes sexual reproduction by unit-
ing two sex cells producing what are called sporozoites. When
an infected mosquito feeds on human blood, the sporozoites
enter into the bloodstream. During a mosquito bite, the saliva
containing the infectious sporozoite from the insect is injected
into the bloodstream of the human host and the blood that the
insect removes provides nourishment for her eggs. The para-
site immediately is targeted for a human liver cell, where it can
escape from being destroyed by the immune system. Unlike in
the insect host, when the sporozoite infects a single liver cell

from the human host, it can undergo asexual reproduction
(multiple rounds consisting of replication of the nucleusfol-
lowed by budding to form copies of itself).
During the next 72 hours, a sporozoite develops into a
schizont, a structure containing thousands of tiny rounded
merozoites. Schizont comes from the Greek word schizo,
meaning to tear apart. One infectious sporozoite can develop
into 20,000 merozoites. Once the schizont matures, it ruptures
the liver cells and leaks the merozoites into the bloodstream
where they attack neighboring erythrocytes (red blood cells,
RBC). It is in this stage of the parasite life cycle that disease
and death can be caused if not treated. Once inside the cyto-
plasmof an erythrocyte, the parasite can break down hemo-
globin (the primary oxygen transporter in the body) into
amino acids (the building blocks that makeup protein). A by-
product of the degraded hemoglobin is hemozoin, or a pig-
ment produced by the breakdown of hemoglobin.
Golden-brown to black granules are produced from hemozoin
and are considered to be a distinctive feature of a blood-stage
parasitic infection. The blood-stage parasitesproduce sch-
izonts, which rupture the infected erythrocytes, releasing
many waste products, explaining the intermittent fever attacks
that are associated with malaria.
The propagation of the parasite is ensured by a certain
type of merozoite, that invades erythrocytes but does not asex-
ually reproduce into schizonts. Instead, they develop into
gametocytes (two different forms or sex cells that require the
union of each other in order to reproduce itself). These game-
tocytes circulate in the human’s blood stream and remain qui-
escent (dormant) until another mosquito bite, where the
gametocytes are fertilized in the mosquito’s stomach to become
sporozoites. Gametocytes are not responsible for causing dis-
ease in the human host and will disappear from the circulation
if not taken up by a mosquito. Likewise, the salivary sporo-
zoites are not capable of re-infecting the salivary gland of
another mosquito. The cycle is renewed upon the next feeding
of human blood. In some types of Plasmodium,the sporozoites
turn into hypnozoites, a stage in the life cycle that allows the
parasite to survive but in a dormant phase. A relapse occurs
when the hypnozoites are reverted back into sporozoites.
An infected erythrocyte has knobs on the surface of the
cells that are formed by proteins that the parasite is producing
during the schizont stage. These knobs are only found in the
schizont stage of Plasmodium falciparumand are thought to be
contacted points between the infected RBC and the lining of
the blood vessels. The parasite also modifies the erythrocyte
membrane itself with these knob-like structures protruding at
the cell surface. These parasitic-derived proteins that provide
contact points thereby avoid clearance from the blood stream
by the spleen. Sequestration of schizont-infected erythrocytes
to blood vessels that line vital organ such as the brain, lung,
heart, and gut can cause many health-related problems.
A malaria-infected erythrocyte results in physiological
alterations that involve the function and structure of the ery-
throcyte membrane. Novel parasite-induced permeation path-
ways (NPP) are produced along with an increase, in some
cases, in the activity of specific transporters within the RBC.
The NPP are thought to have evolved to provide the parasite

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