Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


3300 feet (1000 meters) in depth. The pressure on objects like
bacteria at increasing depths is enormous.
Some marine bacteria have adapted to the pressure of the
ocean depths and require the presence of the extreme pressure
in order to function. Such bacteria are barophilic if their require-
ment for pressure is absolute or barotrophic if they can tolerate
both extreme and near-atmospheric pressures. Similarly, many
marine bacteria have adapted to the cold growth temperatures.
Those which tolerate the temperatures are described as psy-
chrotrophic, while those bacteria that require the cold tempera-
tures are psychrophilic (“cold loving”).
Marine waters are elevated in certain ions such as
sodium. Not surprisingly, marine microbes like bacteria have
an absolute requirement for sodium, as well as for potassium
and magnesium ions. The bacteria have also adapted to grow
on very low concentrations of nutrients. In the ocean, most of
the organic material is located within 300 meters of the sur-
face. Very small amounts of usable nutrients reach the deep
ocean. The bacteria that inhabit these depths are in fact inhib-
ited by high concentrations of organic material.
The bacterial communication system known as quorum
sensingwas first discovered in the marine bacterium Vibrio
fischeri. An inhibitor of the quorum sensing mechanism has
also been uncovered in a type of marine algae.
Marine microbiology has become the subject of much
commercial interest. Compounds with commercial potential
as nutritional additives and antimicrobials are being discov-
ered from marine bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi. For
example the burgeoning marine nutraceuticals market repre-
sents millions of dollars annually, and the industry is still in its
infancy. As relatively little is still known of the marine micro-
bial world, as compared to terrestrial microbiology, many
more commercial and medically relevant compounds
undoubtedly remain to be discovered.

See also Bacterial kingdoms; Bacterial movement;
Biodegradable substances; Biogeochemical cycles

MMarshall, Barry J.ARSHALL, BARRYJ.(1951- )

Australian physician

Barry Marshall was born in Perth, Australia. He is a physician
with a clinical and research interest in gastroenterology. He is
internationally recognized for his discovery that the bacterium
Helicobacter pyloriis the major cause of stomach ulcers.
Marshall studied medicine at the University of Western
Australia from 1969 to 1974. While studying for his medical
degree, Marshall decided to pursue medical research. He
undertook research in the laboratory of Dr. Robin Warren, who
had observations of a helical bacteriain the stomach of people
suffering from ulcers.
Marshall and Warren succeeded in culturing the bac-
terium, which they named Helicobacter pylori. Despite their
evidence that the organism was the cause of stomach ulcera-
tion, the medical community of the time was not convinced
that a bacterium could survive the harsh acidic conditions of
the stomach yet alone cause tissue damage in this environ-

ment. In order to illustrate the relevance of the bacterium to
the disease, Marshall performed an experiment that has earned
him international renown. In July of 1984, he swallowed a
solution of the bacterium, developed the infection, including
inflammationof the stomach, and cured himself of both the
infection and the stomach inflammation by antibiotic therapy.
By 1994, Marshall’s theory of Helicobacter involve-
ment in stomach ulcers was accepted, when the United States
National Institutes of Health endorsed antibioticss the stan-
dard treatment for stomach ulcers.
Since Marshall’s discovery, Helicobacter pylorihas
been shown to be the leading cause of stomach and intestinal
ulcers, gastritis and stomach cancer. Many thousands of ulcer
patients around the world have been successfully treated by
strategies designed to attack bacterial infection. Marshall’s
finding was one of the first indications that human disease
thought to be due to biochemical or genetic defects were in
fact due to bacterial infections.
From Australia, Marshall spent a decade at the
University of Virginia, where he founded and directed the
Center for Study of Diseases due to H. pylori. While at
Virginia, he developed an enzyme-based rapid test for the
presence of the bacterium that tests patient’s breath. The test is
commercially available.
Currently, he is a clinician and researcher at the Sir
Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth, Australia.
Marshall’s discovery has been recognized internation-
ally. He has received the Warren Alpert Prize from the Harvard
Medical School, which recognizes work that has most bene-
fited clinical practice. Also, he has won the Paul EhrlichPrize
(Germany) and the Lasker Prize (United States).

See alsoBacteria and bacterial infection; Helicobacteriosis


Mastigophora is a division of single-celled protozoans. There
are approximately 1,500 species of Mastigophora. Their habi-
tat includes fresh and marine waters. Most of these species are
capable of self-propelled movement through the motion of one
or several flagella. The possession of flagella is a hallmark of
the Mastigophora.
In addition to their flagella, some mastigophora are able
to extend their interior contents (that is known as cytoplasm)
outward in an arm-like protrusion. These protrusions, which
are called pseudopodia, are temporary structures that serve to
entrap and direct food into the microorganism. The cytoplas-
mic extensions are flexible and capable of collapsing back to
form the bulk of the wall that bounds the microorganism.
Mastigophora replicate typically by the internal dupli-
cation of their contents flowed by a splitting of the microbes
to form two daughter cells. This process, which is called
binary fission, is analogous to the division process in bacteria.
In addition to replicating by binary fission, some
mastigophora can reproduce sexually, by the combining of
genetic material from two mastigophora. This process is
referred to as syngamy.

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