Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1
WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Microbial flora of the oral cavity, dental caries


the oldest life forms on Earth. They evolved long before the
presence of photosynthetic green plants, and so existed in an
oxygen-free world.
In the rumen, the methane-producing bacteria occupy a
central role in regulating the anaerobic breakdown (fermenta-
tion) of food. The bacteria remove hydrogen gas through the se
of the gas in the reduction of carbon dioxide to form methane.
By producing methane, the concentration of hydrogen is kept
at a low level that allows other bacterial species to grow. This
microbial diversity makes fermentation more efficient.
The bacterial production of methane is of economic
importance. “Biogas” obtained from digesters can be a com-
mercial and domestic energy source, although more economic
sources of energy currently limit this use. In large-scale live-
stock operations, the use of methane producing bacteria is
being increasing popular as a means of odor-control.
As on Earth, methane producing bacteria may be one of
the earliest forms of life on other planets. Experiments that
duplicate the atmosphere of the planet Mars have been suc-
cessful in growing methane producing bacteria. Aside from its
fundamental scientific importance, the discovery might be
exploited in future manned missions to Mars. Methane is
described as being a greenhouse gas, which means it can warm
the surface atmosphere. On a small-scale, methane production
might create a more hospitable atmosphere on the surface of
Mars. Additionally, the combustible nature of methane, uti-
lized on Earth as a biogas, could someday provide rocket fuel
for spacecraft.

See also Biogeochemical cycles; Chemoautotrophic and
chemolithitrophic bacteria; Extremophiles



CAVITYMicrobial flora of the oral cavity, dental caries, DENTAL CARIES

The microbial flora of the oral cavity are rich and extremely
diverse. This reflects the abundant nutrients and moisture, and
hospitable temperature, and the availability of surfaces on
which bacterial populations can develop. The presence of a
myriad of microorganismsis a natural part of proper oral
health. However, an imbalance in the microbial flora can lead
to the production of acidic compounds by some microorgan-
isms that can damage the teeth and gums. Damage to the teeth
is referred to a dental caries.
Microbes can adhere to surfaces throughout the oral
cavity. These include the tongue, epithelial cells lining the roof
of the mouth and the cheeks, and the hard enamel of the teeth.
In particular, the microbial communities that exist on the sur-
face of the teeth are known as dental plaque. The adherent
communities also represent a biofilm. Oral biofilms develop
over time into exceedingly complex communities. Hundreds
of species of bacteriahave been identified in such biofilms.

Development of the adherent populations of microor-
ganisms in the oral cavity begins with the association and irre-
versible adhesion of certain bacteria to the tooth surface.
Components of the host oral cavity, such as proteins and gly-
coproteins from the saliva, also adhere. This early coating is
referred to as the conditioning film. The conditioning film
alters the chemistry of the tooth surface, encouraging the adhe-
sion of other microbial species. Over time, as the biofilm thick-
ens, gradients develop within the biofilm. For example, oxygen
may be relatively plentiful at the outer extremity of the biofilm,
with the core of the biofilm being essentially oxygen-free. Such
environmental alterations promote the development of differ-
ent types of bacteria in different regions of the biofilm.
This changing pattern represents what is termed bacter-
ial succession. Examples of some bacteria that are typically
present as primary colonizers include Streptococcus,
Actinomyces, Neisseria, and Veillonella. Examples of second-
ary colonizers include Fusobacterium nucleatum, Prevotella
intermedia, and Capnocytophagaspecies. With further time,
another group of bacteria can become associated with the
adherent community. Examples of these bacteria include
Campylobacter rectus, Eikenella corrodens, Actinobacillus
actinomycetemcomitans, and the oral spirochetesof the genus
Under normal circumstances, the microbial flora in the
oral cavity reaches equilibrium, where the chemical by-prod-
ucts of growth of some microbes are utilized by other
microbes for their growth. Furthermore, the metabolic activi-
ties of some bacteria can use up oxygen, creating conditions
that are favorable for the growth of those bacteria that require
oxygen-free conditions.
This equilibrium can break down. An example is when
the diet is high in sugars that can be readily used by bacteria.
The pHin the adherent community is lowered, which selects
for the predominance of acid-loving bacteria, principally
Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus species. These
species can produce acidic products. The resulting condition is
termed dental caries. Dental caries is the second most common
of all maladies in humans, next only to the common cold. It is
the most important cause of tooth loss in people under 10
years of age.
Dental caries typically proceeds in stages. Discoloration
and loosening of the hard enamel covering of the tooth precedes
the formation of a microscopic hole in the enamel. The hole
subsequently widens and damage to the interior of the tooth
usually results. If damage occurs to the core of the tooth, a
region containing what is termed pulp, and the roots anchoring
the tooth to the jaw, the tooth is usually beyond saving.
Removal of the tooth is necessary to prevent accumulation of
bacterial products that could pose further adverse health effects.
Dental caries can be lessened or even prevented by coat-
ing the surface of the tooth with a protective sealant. This is
usually done as soon as a child acquires the second set of
teeth. Another strategy to thwart the development of dental
caries is the inclusion of a chemical called fluoride in drinking
water. Evidence supports the use of fluoride to lessen the pre-
dominance of acid-producing bacteria in the oral cavity.
Finally, good oral hygieneis of paramount importance in den-

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