Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1
Mitochondria and cellular energy WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY


bodies. He and Köhler produced a hybrid myeloma called
hybridoma in 1974. This cell had the capacity to produce anti-
bodies but kept growing like the cancerous cell from which it
had originated. The production of monoclonal antibodies from
these cells was one of the most relevant conclusions from
Milstein and his colleague’s research. The Milstein-Köhler
paper was first published in 1975 and indicated the possibility
of using monoclonal antibodies for testing antigens. The two
scientists predicted that since it was possible to hybridize anti-
body-producing cells from different origins, such cells could
be produced in massive cultures. They were, and the technique
consisted of a fusion of antibodies with cells of the myeloma
to produce cells that could perpetuate themselves, generating
uniform and pure antibodies.
In 1983, Milstein assumed leadership of the Protein and
Nucleic Acid Chemistry Division at the Medical Research
Council’s laboratory. In 1984, he shared the Nobel Prize with
Köhler and Jerne for developing the technique that had revo-
lutionized many diagnostic procedures by producing excep-
tionally pure antibodies. Upon receiving the prize, Milstein
heralded the beginning of what he called “a new era of
immunobiochemistry,” which included production of mole-
cules based on antibodies. He stated that his method was a by-
product of basic research and a clear example of how an
investment in research that was not initially considered com-
mercially viable had “an enormous practical impact.” By
1984, a thriving business was being done with monoclonal

antibodies for diagnosis, and works on vaccines and cancer
based on Milstein’s breakthrough research were being rapidly
In the early 1980s, Milstein received a number of other
scientific awards, including the Wolf Prize in Medicine from
the Karl Wolf Foundation of Israel in 1980, the Royal Medal
from the Royal Society of London in 1982, and the Dale
Medal from the Society for Endocrinology in London in 1984.
He was a member of numerous international scientific organ-
izations, among them the U.S. National Academy of Sciences
and the Royal College of Physicians in London.

See alsoAntibody and antigen; Antibody formation and kinet-
ics; Antibody, monoclonal; Antibody-antigen, biochemical
and molecular reactions



MMitochondria and cellular energyITOCHONDRIA AND CELLULAR ENERGY

Mitochondria are cellular organelles found in the cytoplasmin
round and elongated shapes, that produce adenosine tri-phos-
phate (ATP) near intra-cellular sites where energy is needed.
Shape, amount, and intra-cellular position of mitochondria are
not fixed, and their movements inside cells are influenced by
the cytoskeleton, usually in close relationship with the ener-
getic demands of each cell type. For instance, cells that have a
high consumption of energy, such as muscular, neural, retinal,
and gonadic cells present much greater amounts of mitochon-
dria than those with a lower energetic demand, such as fibrob-
lasts and lymphocytes. Their position in cells also varies, with
larger concentrations of mitochondria near the intra-cellular
areas of higher energy consumption. In cells of the ciliated
epithelium for instance, a greater number of mitochondria is
found next to the cilia, whereas in spermatozoids they are
found in greater amounts next to the initial portion of the fla-
gellum, where the flagellar movement starts.
Mitochondria have their own DNA, RNA(rRNA, mRNA
and tRNA) and ribosomes, and are able to synthesize proteins
independently from the cell nucleusand the cytoplasm. The
internal mitochondrial membrane contains more than 60 pro-
teins. Some of these are enzymesand other proteins that con-
stitute the electron-transporting chain; others constitute the
elementary corpuscle rich in ATP-synthetase, the enzyme that
promotes the coupling of electron transport to the synthesis of
ATP; and finally, the enzymes involved in the active transport
of substances through the internal membrane.
The main ultimate result of respirationis the generation
of cellular energy through oxidative phosphorilation, i.e., ATP
formation through the transfer of electrons from nutrient mol-
ecules to molecular oxygen. Prokaryotes, such as bacteria, do
not contain mitochondria, and the flow of electrons and the
oxidative phosphorilation process are associated to the inter-
nal membrane of these unicellular organisms. In eukaryotic

César Milstein

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