Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1
WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Molecular biology and molecular genetics


beginning of the twentieth century, scientists had tentatively
linked a number of diseases with molds, but had not been able
to isolate the compounds responsible. With the discovery of
aflatoxin, scientists were able to provide proof of the undesir-
able effects of a mold.
Just because a particular mold can produce a mycotoxin
does not mean it always will. For example, Aspergillus flavus
has been safely used for many centuries in China in the pro-
duction of various cheeses and soy sauce. Aspergillus flavus
and related species are relatively common, and will grow on a
wide variety of substrates, including various food-stuffs and
animal feeds. However, the optimum conditions for vegetative
growth are different from those required for the production of
aflatoxin. The mycotoxin in this species is produced in largest
quantities at high moisture levels and moderate temperatures
on certain substrates. For a damaging amount of the toxin to
accumulate, about ten days at these conditions may be
required. Aflatoxin can be produced by A. flavusgrowing on
peanuts. However, A. flavuswill grow on cereal grains (such
as wheat, corn, barley, etc.), but the mycotoxin is not produced
on these growth media. Aflatoxin production is best prevented
by using appropriate storage techniques.
Other molds can produce other mycotoxins, which can
be just as problematical as aflatoxin. The term mycotoxin
can also include substances responsible for the death of bac-
teria, although these compounds are normally referred to as
The molds do not only present humans with problems.
Certain types of cheeses are ripened by mold fungi. Indeed,
the molds responsible for this action have taken their names
from the cheeses they affect. Camembert is ripened by
Penicillium camemberti,and Roquefort is by P. roqueforti.
The Pencilliummold have another important use—the
production of antibiotics. Two species have been used for the
production of penicillin, the first antibiotic to be discovered:
Penicillium notatumand P. chrysogenum.The Penicillium
species can grow on different substrates, such as plants, cloth,
leather, paper, wood, tree bark, cork, animal dung, carcasses,
ink, syrup, seeds, and virtually any other item that is organic.
A characteristic that this mold does not share with many
other species is its capacity to survive at low temperatures. Its
growth rate is greatly reduced, but not to the extent of its com-
petition, so as the temperature rises the Penicilliumis able to
rapidly grow over new areas. However, this period of initial
growth can be slowed by the presence of other, competing
microorganisms. Most molds will have been killed by the
cold, but various bacteria may still be present. By releasing a
chemical into the environment capable of destroying these
bacteria, the competition is removed and growth of the
Penicilliumcan carry on. This bacteria killing chemical is now
recognized as penicillin.
The anti-bacterial qualities of penicillin were originally
discovered by Sanford Fleming in 1929. By careful selection
of the Penicilliumcultures used, the yield of antibiotic has
been increased many hundred fold since the first attempts of
commercial scale production during the 1930s.
Other molds are used in various industrial processes.
Aspergillusterreus is used to manufacture icatonic acid, which

is used in plastics production. Other molds are used in the pro-
duction of alcohol, a process that utilizes Rhizopus,which can
metabolize starch into glucose. The Rhizopusspecies can then
directly ferment the glucose to give alcohol, but they are not
efficient in this process, and at this point brewers yeast
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)is usually added to ferment the
glucose much quicker. Other molds are used in the manufac-
ture of flavorings and chemical additives for food stuffs.
Cheese production has already been mentioned. It is
interesting to note that in previous times cheese was merely
left in a place where mold production was likely to occur.
However, in modern production cheeses are inoculated with a
pure cultureof the mold (some past techniques involved
adding a previously infected bit of cheese). Some of the mold
varieties used in cheese production are domesticated, and are
not found in the wild. In cheese production, the cultures are
frequently checked to ensure that no mutantshave arisen,
which could produce unpalatable flavors.
Some molds are important crop parasitesof species
such as corn and millet. A number of toxic molds grow on
straw and are responsible for diseases of livestock, including
facial eczema in sheep, and slobber syndrome in various graz-
ing animals. Some of the highly toxic chemicals are easy to
identify and detect; others are not. Appropriate and sensible
storage conditions, i.e., those not favoring the growth of fungi,
are an adequate control measure in most cases. If mold is sus-
pected then the use of anti fungal agents (fungicides) or
destruction of the infected straw are the best options.

See also Fermentation; Food preservation; Food safety;
Mycology; Yeast genetics; Yeast, infectious


GENETICSMolecular biology and molecular genetics

At its most fundamental level, molecular biology is the study
of biological molecules and the molecular basis of structure
and function in living organisms.
Molecular biology is an interdisciplinary approach to
understanding biological functions and regulation at the level
of molecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, and carbohy-
drates. Following the rapid advances in biological science
brought about by the development and advancement of the
Watson-Crick model of DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid) during
the 1950s and 1960s, molecular biologists studied genestruc-
ture and function in increasing detail. In addition to advances
in understanding genetic machinery and its regulation, molec-
ular biologists continue to make fundamental and powerful
discoveries regarding the structure and function of cells and of
the mechanisms of genetic transmission. The continued study
of these processes by molecular biologists and the advance-
ment of molecular biological techniques requires integration of
knowledge derived from physics, microbiology, mathematics,
genetics, biochemistry, cell biology and other scientific fields.
Molecular biology also involves organic chemistry,
physics, and biophysical chemistry as it deals with the physic-

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