Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1
Nitrogen cycle in microorganisms WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY


elucidate many of the principles of genetics of higher organ-
isms. It is relatively easy to cultivate in the laboratory.
Neurosporaare eukaryotic organisms; that is, they organize
their genes onto chromosomes. They may exist as either
diploid cells (two copies of geneand chromosome) or haploid
(one copy of each gene and chromosome). Neurosporahas
both a sexual and an asexual reproductive cycle which allows
exploration of genetic processes more complex than those
found in bacteria.
The asexual cycle consists of a filamentous growth of
haploid mycelia. This stage is the vegetative stage. While the
nuclei in this stage are indeed haploid, the tubular filaments
contain multiple nuclei often without the distinction of indi-
vidual cells. Under conditions of sparse food resources, the fil-
aments (called hyphae) become segmented producing bright
orange colored macroconidia, asexual spores that can become
detached and are more readily dispersed throughout the envi-
ronment. Asexual spores can develop again into multicellular
hyphae, completing the cycle. Asexual spores can also func-
tion as male gametes in the sexual reproductive cycle.
The sexual part of the life cycle begins with the mature
fruiting body called the perithecium. These are sacs of sexual
spores (ascospores) resulting from meiotic division. The sex-
ual spores are discharged from the perithecium and can ger-
minate into haploid cultures or fuse with conidia of
complementary mating types. There are two genetically dis-
tinct mating types A and a. Neurosporacannot self fertilize,
rather haploid sexual spores of opposite mating types must be
joined at fertilization. Nuclear fusion of the male and female
gametes occurs setting the stage for meiotic division to form
ascospores. The diploid stage is brief as nuclear fusion quickly
gives way to two meiotic divisions that produce eight
ascospores. Ascospores are normally black and shaped like a
football. The physical position of the ascospores is linear and
corresponds to the physical position of the individual chromo-
somes during meiosis. In the absence of crossing over, the four
a-mating type ascospores are next to each other followed by
the four A-mating type ascospores.
The existence of a large collection of distinct mutant
strains of Neurosporaand the linear array of the products of
meiosis makes Neurosporaan ideal organism for studying
mutation, chromosomal rearrangements, and recombination.
As a relatively simple eukaryote, Neurosporahas permitted
study of the interactions of nuclear genes with mitochondrial
genes. Neurosporaalso exhibits a normal circadian rhythm in
response to light in the environment, and much of the funda-
mental genetics and biology of circadian clock cycles (chrono-
biology) have been elucidated through the careful study of
mutant cells which exhibit altered circadian cycles.

See alsoMicrobial genetics

NNitrogen cycle in microorganismsITROGEN CYCLE IN MICROORGANISMS

Nitrogen is a critically important nutrient for organisms,
including microorganisms. This element is one of the most
abundant elemental constituents of eukaryotic tissues and

prokaryotic cell walls, and is an integral component of amino
acids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Most plants obtain their nitrogen by assimilating it from
their environment, mostly as nitrate or ammonium dissolved
in soil water that is taken up by roots, or as gaseous nitrogen
oxides that are taken up by plant leaves from the atmosphere.
However, some plants live in a symbiotic relationship with
microorganisms that have the ability to fix atmospheric nitro-
gen (which can also be called dinitrogen) into ammonia. Such
plants benefit from access to an increased supply of nitrogen.
As well, nitrogen-assimilating microorganisms are of
benefit to animals. Typically animals obtain their needed
nitrogen through the plants they ingest. The plant’s organic
forms of nitrogen are metabolized and used by the animal as
building blocks for their own necessary biochemicals.
However, some animals are able to utilize inorganic sources of
nitrogen. For example, ruminants, such as the cow, can utilize
urea or ammonia as a consequence of the metabolic action of
the microorganisms that reside in their forestomachs. These
microbes can assimilate nitrogen and urea and use them to
synthesize the amino acids and proteins, which are subse-
quently utilized by the cow.
Nitrogen (N) can occur in many organic and inorganic
forms in the environment. Organic nitrogen encompasses a
diversity of nitrogen-containing organic molecules, ranging
from simple amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids to large
and complex molecules such as the humic substances that are
found in soil and water.
In the atmosphere, nitrogen exists as a diatomic gas
(N 2 ). The strong bond between the two nitrogen atoms of this
gas make the molecule nonreactive. Almost 80% of the vol-
ume of Earth’s atmosphere consists of diatomic nitrogen, but
because of its almost inert character, few organisms can
directly use this gas in their nutrition. Diatomic nitrogen must
be “fixed” into other forms by certain microorganisms before
it can be assimilated by most organisms.
Another form of nitrogen is called nitrate (chemically
displayed as NO 3 -). Nitrate is a negatively charged ion (or
anion), and as such is highly soluble in water.
Ammonia (NH3S) usually occurs as a gas, vapor, or liq-
uid. Addition of a hydrogen atom produces ammonium
(NH 4 +). Like nitrate, ammonium is soluble in water.
Ammonium is also electrochemically attracted to negatively
charged surfaces associated with clays and organic matter in
soil, and is therefore not as mobile as nitrate.
These, and the other forms of nitrogen are capable of
being transformed in what is known as the nitrogen cycle.
Nitrogen is both very abundant in the atmosphere and is
relatively inert and nonreactive. To be of use to plants, dinitro-
gen must be “fixed” into inorganic forms that can be taken up
by roots or leaves. While dinitrogen fixation can occur non-bio-
logically, biological fixation of dinitrogen is more prevalent.
A bacterial enzyme called nitrogenase is capable of
breaking the tenacious bond that holds the two nitrogen atoms
together. Examples of nitrogen-fixing bacteria include
Azotobacter, Beijerinkia, some species of Klebsiella,
Clostridium, Desulfovibrio, purple sulfur bacteria, purple non-
sulfur bacteria, and green sulfur bacteria.

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