Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


Some species of plants live in an intimate and mutually
beneficial symbiosis with microbes that have the capability of
fixing dinitrogen. The plants benefit from the symbiosis by
having access to a dependable source of fixed nitrogen, while
the microorganisms benefit from energy and habitat provided
by the plant. The best known symbioses involve many species
in the legume family (Fabaceae) and strains of a bacterium
known as Rhizobium japonicum. Some plants in other families
also have dinitrogen-fixing symbioses, for example, red alder
(Alnus rubra) and certain member of Actinomycetes. Bacteria
from the genera Frankiaand Azospirillumare also able to
establish symbiotic relationships with non-leguminous plants.
Many species of lichens, which consist of a symbiotic rela-
tionship between a fungus and a blue-green bacterium, can
also fix dinitrogen.
Ammonification is a term for the process by which the
organically bound nitrogen of microbial, plant, and animal
biomass is recycled after their death. Ammonification is car-
ried out by a diverse array of microorganisms that perform
ecological decay services, and its product is ammonia or
ammonium ion. Ammonium is a suitable source of nutrition
for many species of plants, especially those living in acidic
soils. However, most plants cannot utilize ammonium effec-
tively, and they require nitrate as their essential source of
nitrogen nutrition.
Nitrate is synthesized from ammonium by an impor-
tant bacterial process known as nitrification. The first step in
nitrification is the oxidation of ammonium to nitrite (NO 2 -),
a function carried out by bacteria in the genus Nitrosomonas.
Once formed, the nitrite is rapidly oxidized further to nitrate,
by bacteria in the genus Nitrobacter. The bacteria responsi-
ble for nitrification are very sensitive to acidity, so this
process does not occur at significant rates in acidic soil
or water.
Denitrification is another bacterial process, carried out
by a relatively wide range of species. In denitrification,
nitrate is reduced to either nitrous oxide or dinitrogen, which
is then emitted to the atmosphere. One of the best studies
bacterial examples is Pseudomonas stutzeri. This bacterial
species has almost 50 genes that are known to have a direct
role in denitrification. The process of denitrification occurs
under conditions where oxygen is not present, and its rate is
largest when concentrations of nitrate are large. Conse-
quently, fertilized agricultural fields that are wet or flooded
can have quite large rates of denitrification. In some
respects, denitrification can be considered to be an opposite
process to dinitrogen fixation. In fact, the global rates of
dinitrogen fixation and denitrification are in an approximate
balance, meaning that the total quantity of fixed nitrogen in
Earth’s ecosystems is neither increasing nor decreasing sub-
stantially over time.

See alsoBiogeochemical cycles; Economic uses and benefits
of microorganisms







NNosocomial infectionsOSOCOMIAL INFECTIONS

A nosocomial infection is an infection that is acquired in a
hospital. More precisely, the Centers for Disease Controlin
Atlanta, Georgia, defines a nosocomial infection as a localized
infection or one that is widely spread throughout the body that
results from an adverse reaction to an infectious microorgan-
ism or toxin that was not present at the time of admission to
the hospital.
The term nosocomial infection derives from the nosos,
which is the Greek word for disease.
Nosocomial infections have been a part of hospital
care as long as there have been hospitals. The connection
between the high death rate of hospitalized patients and the
exposure of patients to infectious microorganismswas first
made in the mid-nineteenth century. Hungarian physician Ignaz
Semmelweis(1818–1865) noted the high rate of death from
puerperal fever in women who delivered babies at the Vienna
General Hospital. Moreover, the high death rate was confined to
a ward at which medical residents were present. Another ward,
staffed only by midwives who did not interact with other areas
of the hospital, had a much lower death rate. When the residents
were made to wash their hands in a disinfectant solution prior to
entering the ward, the death rate declined dramatically.
At about the same time, the British surgeon Joseph
Lister (1827–1912) also recognized the importance of
hygienic conditions in the operating theatre. His use of pheno-
lic solutions as sprays over surgical wounds helped lessen the
spread of microorganisms resident in the hospital to the
patient. Lister also required surgeons to wear rubber gloves
and freshly laundered operating gowns for surgery. He recog-
nized that infections could be transferred from the surgeon to
the patient. Lister’s actions spurred a series of steps over the
next century, which has culminated in today’s observance of
sterile or near-sterile conditions in the operating theatre.
Despite these improvements in hospital hygienic prac-
tices, the chance of acquiring a nosocomial infection still
approaches about 10%. Certain hospital situations are even
riskier. For example, the chance of acquiring a urinary tract
infection increases by 10% for each day a patient is equipped
with a urinary catheter. The catheter provides a ready route for
the movement of bacteriafrom the outside environment to the
urinary tract.
The most common microbiological cause of nosocomial
infection is bacteria. The microbes often include both Gram-
negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Of the Gram-negative
bacteria, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis,and other mem-
bers of the family known as Enterobacteriacaea are predomi-
nant. These bacteria are residents of the intestinal tract. They
are spread via fecal contaminationof people, instruments or

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