Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


In 1905, English pathologist Almroth Wright (1861–
1947) demonstrated that phagocytosis and antibodyfactors in
the blood worked together in the immune response process.

See alsoAntibody and antigen; Antibody-antigen, biochemi-
cal and molecular reactions; Antibody formation and kinetics;
Antibody, monoclonal; Antigenic mimicry; Immune system;
Immunity, active, passive, and delayed; Immunity, cell medi-
ated; Immunity, humoral regulation; Immunization;
Immunogenetics; Immunology; Infection and resistance;




VARIATIONPhenotype and phenotypic variation

The word phenotyperefers to the observable characters or
attributes of individual organisms, including their morphol-
ogy, physiology, behavior, and other traits. The phenotype of
an organism is limited by the boundaries of its specific genetic
complement(genotype), but is also influenced by environ-
mental factors that impact the expression of genetic potential.
All organisms have unique genetic information, which
is embodied in the particular nucleotide sequences of their
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), the genetic biochemical of
almost all organisms, except for virusesand bacteriathat uti-
lize RNAas their genetic material. The genotype is fixed
within an individual organism but is subject to change (muta-
tions) from one generation to the next due to low rates of nat-
ural or spontaneous mutation. However, there is a certain
degree of developmental flexibility in the phenotype, which is
the actual or outward expression of the genetic information in
terms of anatomy, behavior, and biochemistry. This flexibility
can occur because the expression of genetic potential is
affected by environmental conditions and other circumstances.
Consider, for example, genetically identical bacterial
cells, with a fixed complement of genetic each plated on dif-
ferent gels. If one bacterium is colonized under ideal condi-
tions, it can grow and colonize its full genetic potential.
However, if a genetically identical bacterium is exposed to
improper nutrients or is otherwise grown under adverse con-
ditions, colony formation may be stunted. Such varying
growth patterns of the same genotype are referred to as phe-
notypic plasticity. Some traits of organisms, however, are
fixed genetically, and their expression is not affected by envi-
ronmental conditions. Moreover, the ability of species to
exhibit phenotypically plastic responses to environmental
variations is itself, to a substantial degree, genetically deter-
mined. Therefore, phenotypic plasticity reflects both genetic
capability and varying expression of that capability, depending
on circumstances.
Phenotypic variation is essential for evolution. Without
a discernable difference among individuals in a population

there are no genetic selectionpressures acting to alter the vari-
ety and types of alleles (forms of genes) present in a popula-
tion. Accordingly, genetic mutations that do not result in
phenotypic change are essentially masked from evolutionary
Phenetic similarity results when phenotypic differences
among individuals are slight. In such cases, it may take a sig-
nificant alteration in environmental conditions to produce sig-
nificant selection pressure that results in more dramatic
phenotypic differences. Phenotypic differences lead to differ-
ences in fitness and affect adaptation.

See alsoDNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid); Molecular biology
and molecular genetics



Phospholipids are complex lipids made up of fatty acids, alco-
hols, and phosphate. They are extremely important compo-
nents of living cells, with both structural and metabolic roles.
They are the chief constituents of most biological membranes.
At one end of a phospholipid molecule is a phosphate
group linked to an alcohol. This is a polar part of the molecule—
it has an electric charge and is water-soluble (hydrophilic). At
the other end of the molecule are fatty acids, which are non-
polar, hydrophobic, fat soluble, and water insoluble.
Because of the dual nature of the phospholipid mole-
cules, with a water-soluble group attached to a water-insoluble
group in the same molecule, they are called amphipathic or
polar lipids. The amphipathic nature of phospholipids make
them ideal components of biological membranes, where they
form a lipid bilayer with the polar region of each layer facing
out to interact with water, and the non-polar fatty acid “tail”
portions pointing inward toward each other in the interior of
the bilayer. The lipid bilayer structure of cell membranes
makes them nearly impermeable to polar molecules such as
ions, but proteins embedded in the membrane are able to carry
many substances through that they could not otherwise pass.
Phosphoglycerides, considered by some as synonymous
for phospholipids, are structurally related to 3-phosphoglycer-
aldehyde (PGA), an intermediate in the catabolic metabolism
of glucose. Phosphoglycerides differ from phospholipids
because they contain an alcohol rather than an aldehyde group
on the 1-carbon. Fatty acids are attached by an ester linkage to
one or both of the free hydroxyl (-OH) groups of the glyceride
on carbons 1 and 2. Except in phosphatidic acid, the simplest
of all phosphoglycerides, the phosphate attached to the 3-car-
bon of the glyceride is also linked to another alcohol. The
nature of this alcohol varies considerably.

See alsoBacteremic; Bacterial growth and division; Bacterial
membranes and cell wall; Bacterial surface layers; Bacterial
ultrastructure; Biochemistry; Cell membrane transport;
Membrane fluidity

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