Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


See alsoLaboratory techniques in immunology; Laboratory
techniques in microbiology

PPittman, Margaret ITTMAN, MARGARET(1901-1995)

American bacteriologist

An expert in the development and standardization of bacterial
vaccines, Margaret Pittman advanced the fight against such
diseases as whooping cough (pertussis), tetanus, typhoid,
cholera, anthrax, meningitis, and conjunctivitis.
Pittman was born on January 20, 1901 in Prairie Grove,
Arkansas, the daughter of a physician, James (“Dr. Jim”)
Pittman, and the former Virginia Alice McCormick. The fam-
ily moved to nearby Cincinnati, Arkansas, in 1909. Her father
was the only doctor in that rural area, and she sometimes
helped him on his rounds or with anesthesia. Her formal edu-
cation was sporadic until three years of high school in Prairie
Grove and two years of music seminary in Siloam Springs,
Arkansas. As a member of the class of 1923 at Hendrix
College, Conway, Arkansas, she double-majored in mathemat-
ics and biology, and won the Walter Edwin Hogan
Mathematics Award in 1922. From 1923 until 1925 in Searcy,
Arkansas, she taught and served as principal at Galloway
Woman’s College, which merged with Hendrix in 1933. She
received her M.S. in 1926 and her Ph.D. in 1929, both in bac-
teriology from the University of Chicago.
Pittman’s landmark article of 1931, “Variation and
Type Specificity in the Bacterial Species Haemophilus
Influenzae,” showed that the pathogenicity (disease-causing
quality) of this microbe is determined by minor differences in
its physical nature, such as the presence or absence of a poly-
saccharide capsule. For all microbes, these differences can be
classed as strains or types. Pittman identified six serotypes of
Haemophilus influenzae, which she labeled “a” through “f.”
Serotype b (Hib) is the most pathogenic, causing meningitis
and several other serious infections. Her work led to the
development of polysaccharide vaccines that immunize
against Hib.
Pittman conducted her bacteriological research at the
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (later Rockefeller
University) from 1928 to 1934, at the New York State
Department of Health from 1934 to 1936, and from 1936 until
the end of her career at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Among the subjects of her research were tetanus, toxins and
antitoxins, sera and antisera, the genus Bordetella, the Koch-
Weeks bacillus, the standardization of vaccines, and cholera.
Some of this work was done abroad under the auspices of the
World Health Organization(WHO). In 1957, Pittman became
the first woman director of an NIH laboratory when she was
chosen chief of the Laboratory of Bacterial Products in the
Division of Biologics Standards. She held that post until she
retired in 1971. Thereafter she lived quietly but productively
in Temple Hills, Maryland, serving occasionally as a guest
researcher and consultant for NIH, the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), and WHO, and remaining active in the
United Methodist Church, especially through Wesley

Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. She died on
August 19, 1995.
In 1994, NIH inaugurated the Margaret Pittman Lecture
Series and the American Society for Microbiology presented
its first Margaret Pittman Award. On October 19, 1995, John
Bennett Robbins (b. 1932) and Ronald D. Sekura, both of the
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
(NICHD) published an article in the New England Journal of
Medicine, announcing their new pertussis vaccine, based on
Pittman’s research at the FDA.

See alsoAntiserum and antitoxin; Bacteria and bacterial
infection; Meningitis, bacterial and viral; Pneumonia, bacter-
ial and viral; Serology; Tetanus and tetanus immunization;
Typhoid fever


PPlankton and planktonic bacteriaLANKTON AND PLANKTONIC BACTERIA

Plankton and planktonic bacteriashare two features. First,
they are both single-celled creatures. Second, they live as
floating organisms in the respective environments.
Plankton and planktonic bacteria are actually quite dif-
ferent from one another. Plankton is comprised of two main
types, neither of which is bacterial. One type of plankton, the
one of most relevance to this volume, is phytoplankton.
Phytoplankton are plants. The second type of plankton is zoo-
plankton. These are microscopic animals. Phytoplankton form
the basis of the food chain in the ocean.
Phytoplankton are fundamentally important to life on
Earth for several reasons. In the oceans, they are the beginning
of the food chain. Existing in the oceans in huge quantities,
phytoplankton are eaten by small fish and animals that are in
turn consumed by larger species. Their numbers can be so
huge that they are detectable using specialized satellite imag-
ing, which is exploited by the commercial fishing industry to
pinpoint likely areas in which to catch fish.
Phytoplankton, through their central role in the carbon
cycle, are also a critical part of the ocean chemistry. The carbon
dioxide content in the atmosphere is in balance with the content
in the oceans. The photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton
removes carbon dioxide from the water and releases oxygen as
a by-product to the atmosphere. This allows the oceans to
absorb more carbon dioxide from the air. Phytoplankton, there-
fore, act to keep the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide from
increasing, which causes the atmosphere to heat up, and also
replenish the oxygen level of the atmosphere.
When phytoplankton die and sink to the ocean floor, the
carbon contained in them is lost from global circulation. This
is beneficial because if the carbon from all dead matter was
recycled into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, the balance of
carbon dioxide would be thrown off, and a massive atmos-
pheric temperature increase would occur.

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