Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


process, two strands of the targeted DNA are separated from
each other. Each strand is capable of being a template. The
second step is carried out around 122°F (50°C). At this low-
ered temperature, the two primers anneal to their complemen-
tary sequence on each template. The DNA polymerase then
extends the primer using the provided nucleotides. As a result,
at the end of each cycle, the numbers of DNA molecules dou-
PCR was carried out manually in incubators of different
temperatures for each step until the discovery of DNA poly-
merase from thermophilic bacteria. The bacterium Thermus
aquaticuswas found in Yellow Stone National Park. This bac-
terium lives in the hot springs at 203°F (95°C). The DNA
polymerase from T. aquaticuskeeps its activity at above
203°F (95°C) for many hours. Several additional heat-resist-
ant DNA polymerases have also now been identified.
Genetic engineered heat resistant DNA polymerases,
that have proofreading functions and make fewer mutationsin
the amplified DNA products, are available commercially. PCR
reactions are now carried out in different thermocyclers.
Thermocyclers are designed to change temperatures automat-
ically. Researchers set the temperatures and the time, and at
the end of the procedure take the test tube out of the machine.
The invention of PCR was revolutionary to molecular
biology. PCR is valuable to researchers because it allows them
to multiply the quantity of a unique DNA sequence to a large
and workable amount in a very short time. Researchers in the
Human Genome Project are using PCR to look for markers in
cloned DNA segments and to order DNA fragments in
libraries. Molecular biologists use PCR to cloningDNA. PCR
is also used to produce biotin or other chemical-labeled
probes. These probes are used in nucleic acid hybridization, in
situhybridization and other molecular biology procedures.
PCR, coupled with fluorescence techniques and com-
puter technology, allows the real time amplification of DNA.
This enables quantitative detection of DNA molecules that
exist in minute amounts. PCR is also used widely in clinical
tests. Today, it has become routine to use PCR in the diagno-
sis of infectious diseases such AIDS.

See alsoChromosomes, eukaryotic; Chromosomes, prokary-
otic; DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid); DNA chips and micro
arrays; DNA hybridization; Immunogenetics; Laboratory
techniques in immunology; Laboratory techniques in microbi-
ology; Molecular biology and molecular genetics


Porins are proteins that are located in the outer membrane of
Gram-negative bacteria. They function to form a water-filled
pore through the membrane, from the exterior to the
periplasm, which is a region located between the outer and
inner membranes. The porin channel allows the diffusion of
small hydrophilic (water-loving) molecules through to the
periplasm. The size of the diffusing molecule depends on the
size of the channel.

A porin protein associates with two other porin proteins
of the same type in the outer membrane. This may act to sta-
bilize the three-dimensional structure of each porin molecule.
Each porin contains a pore, so that there are three pores in the
triad of porins.
The size of the water-filled channel that is created by a
porin depends on the particular porin protein. For example, in
the bacterium Escherichia coli, the so-called maltoporin and
phosphoporin have different specificities (for the sugar malt-
ose and phosphorus, respectively).
Since the discovery of porins in the 1970s in
Escherichia coli, these proteins have been shown to be a gen-
eral feature of the Gram-negative outer membrane. Much of
the early work on porins came from the laboratories of Hiroshi
Nikaido and Robert Hancock. Some examples of the bacteria
known to possess porins are Pseudomonas aeruginosa, many
other species of Pseudomonas, Aeromonas salmonicida,
Treponema pallidum, and Helicobacter pylori.
A bacterium typically contains a variety of porins.
Possession of porins of different sizes and chemistries is very
advantageous for a bacterium. The various channels allow for
the inward diffusion of a variety of nutrients required by the
bacterium for survival and growth. Moreover, the diffusional
nature of the molecule’s entry means that a bacterium is able to
acquire some needed nutrients without having to expend energy.
Another example of porin importance is found in
Escherichia coli. In this bacterium, a duo of porins, which are
designated OmpF and OmpC, function in response to changes
in osmolarity. The production of these porins is under the con-
trol of a protein that senses the osmotic character of the envi-
ronment. Depending on the ionic conditions, the amounts of
OmpF and OmpC in the outer membrane can be altered so as
to control the types of ions that enter the bacterium.
Porins share the same function in these bacteria from
various habitats. This similar function is mirrored by the sim-
ilarity in the three-dimensional structure of the proteins. Each
porin is visually reminiscent of a barrel that is open to both
ends. The slats of the barrel are arrangements of the con-
stituent amino acids of the protein (beta sheets). The sequence
of amino acids that makes up a beta sheet region allows the
region to assume a zigzag configuration of the amino acids in
one plane. The result is a narrow, flat strip of amino acids.
When such strips are linked together, the barrel shape can be
created. The outer surface of the porin barrel is more
hydrophobic(water-hating) and so the partitioning of this sur-
face into the hydrophobic interior of the membrane will be
favored. The inner surface of the porin barrel contains side
groups of the amino acids that prefer to interact with water.
The function of porin proteins was discovered by isolat-
ing the particular protein and then inserting the protein into
model systems, that consisted either of lipid membranes float-
ing in solution (liposomes) or floating as a sheet on the surface
of a liquid (black lipid bilayer membranes). The passage of
radioactive sugars of various sizes out of the liposomes or
across the black lipid bilayer membranes could be measured,
and the various so-called exclusion limits for each porin could
be determined.

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