Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1
WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Prokaryotic membrane transport


Blue-green algae and some bacteria are able to manu-
facture their own food from sunlight through the process of
photosynthesis. Green plants likewise have this capability.
This type of bacteria are the photoautotrophs. Other bacteria
are able to utilize elements like nitrogen, sulphur, hydrogen, or
iron to make their food. This type of Prokaryote are the
chemoautotrophs. But the bulk of the Prokaryotae exists by
decomposing and using compounds made by other organisms.
This decomposition is a vital process. Without this bacterial
activity, the wastes of other organisms would blanket Earth.
The relative simplicity of the Prokaryotae, as compared
to eukaryotes, extends to the genetic level. The prototypical
bacterial species Escherichia coli contains approximately
5,000 genes. On average, about one in every 200 bacteria is
likely to have a mutation in at least one of the genes. In a 100
ml culturecontaining one million bacteria per milliliter, this
translates to 500,000 mutant bacteria. This ability of members
of the Prokaryotae to mutant and so quickly adapt to a chang-
ing environment is the principle reason for their success
through time.
The ecological distribution of the Prokaryotae is vast.
Bacteria have adapted to live almost everywhere, in environ-
ments as diverse as the thermal deep-sea vents to the boiling
hot springs of Yellowstone National Park, from the soil to the
intestinal tract of man and animals. The diversity of bacteria
led to the design of a classification system just for them. David
Hendricks Bergeyspearheaded this classification scheme in
the first half of the twentieth century. His efforts culminated in
the publication (and ongoing revisions) of the Bergey’s
Manual of Systematic Bacteriology.

See alsoBacterial kingdoms; Evolutionary origin of bacteria
and viruses



PProkaryotic membrane transportROKARYOTIC MEMBRANE TRANSPORT

The ability of Prokaryotic microorganisms to move com-
pounds into the cell, and to remove waste products of metabo-
lismout of the cell, is crucial for the survival of the cell. Some
of these functions are achieved by the presence of water-filled
channels, particularly in the outer membrane of Gram-negative
bacteria, which allow the diffusion of molecules through the
channel. But this is a passive mechanism and does not involve
the input of energy by the bacterium to accomplish the move-
ment of the molecules across the membrane. Mechanisms that
depend on the input of energy from the microorganism are
active membrane transport mechanisms.
Prokaryotic membrane transport depends on the pres-
ence of specific proteins. These proteins are located within a
membrane that surrounds the cell. Gram-positive bacteria
have only a single membrane surrounding the contents of the

bacterium. So, it is within this membrane that the transport
proteins reside. In Gram-negative bacteria, the transport pro-
teins are important constituents of the inner of the two mem-
branes that are part of the cell wall. The inner membrane is
also referred to as the cytoplasmic membrane.
There are a number of proteins that can participate in
transport of molecules across Prokaryotic membranes.
Different proteins have different modes of operation. In gen-
eral, there are three different functional types of protein. These
are termed uniporters, antiporters, and symporters.
Uniporters can actually be considered analogous to the
water-filed channels of the Gram-negative outer membrane,
in that a uniporter is a single protein or a collection of sev-
eral like proteins that produces a channel through which
molecules can passively diffuse. No energy is required for
this process. Some degree of selectivity as to the types of
molecules that can pass down a channel is achieved, based
on the diameter of the channel. Thus, a small channel
excludes large molecules.
A uniporter can also function in a process known as
facilitated diffusion. This process is governed by the concen-
trations of the molecule of interest on either side of the mem-
brane. If the concentration on one side of the membrane
barrier is higher than on the other side, the movement of
molecules through the connecting channel will naturally
occur, in order to balance the concentrations on both sides of
the membrane.
An antiporter is a membrane protein that can transport
two molecules across the membrane in which it is embedded
at the same time. This is possible as one molecule is trans-
ported in one direction while the other molecule is simultane-
ously transported in the opposite direction. Energy is required
for this process, and functions to allow a change in the shape
of the protein or to permit all or part of the protein to swivel
upon binding of the molecules to be transported. One model
has the molecules binding to the protein that is exposed at
either surface of the membrane, and then, by an internal rota-
tion of the transport protein, both molecules are carried to the
other membrane surface. Then, each molecule is somehow
released from the transport protein.
The third type of transport protein is termed a symport.
This type of protein can simultaneously transport two mole-
cules across a membrane in the same direction. The most
widely held model for this process has the molecules binding
to the transport protein that is exposed on the external surface
of the membrane. In an energy-dependent process, these mol-
ecules are driven through a central region of the protein to
emerge on the opposite side of the membrane. The protein
molecule remains stationary.
The energy for prokaryotic membrane transport can
come from the breakdown, or hydrolysis, of an energy-con-
taining molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The
hydrolysis of ATP provides energy to move molecules from a
region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentra-
tion (i.e., transport is against a concentration gradient).
Alternatively, energy for transport in the antiport and
symport systems can be provided by the molecules them-
selves. The fact that the molecules prefer to be associated

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