Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


with the protein, rather than in solution, drives the trans-
port process.
The outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria does
contain proteins that participate in the active transport of spe-
cific molecules to the periplasmic space, which separates the
outer and inner membranes. Examples of such transport pro-
teins include the FhuA of Escherichia coliand FepA of this
and other bacteria. This type of active transport is important
for disease processes, as iron can be crucial in the establish-
ment of an infections, and because available iron is normally
in very low concentration in the body.

See alsoBacterial membranes and cell wall; Protein export









PProtein crystallographyROTEIN CRYSTALLOGRAPHY

Protein crystallography is a technique that utilizes x rays to
deduce the three-dimensional structure of proteins. The pro-
teins examined by this technique must first be crystallized.
When x rays are beamed at a crystal, the electrons
associated with the atoms of the crystal are able to alter the
path of the x rays. If the x rays encounter a film after passing
through the crystal, a pattern can be produced following the
development of the film. The pattern will consist of a limited
series of dots or lines, because a crystal is composed of many
repeats of the same molecule. Through a series of mathemat-
ical operations, the pattern of dots and lines on the film can
be related to the structure of the molecule that makes up the
Crystallography is a powerful tool that has been used to
obtain the structure of many molecules. Crystallography data
was used, for example, in the determination of the structure of
the double helix of deoxyribonucleic acidby American molec-
ular biologist James Watson and British molecular biologist
Francis Crick in the 1950s. Bacteria and virus are also
amenable to x-ray crystallography study. For example, the
structure of the toxin produced by Vibrio choleraehas been
deduced by this technique. Knowledge of the shape of cholera
toxin will help in the tailoring of molecules that will bind to

the active site of the toxin. In this way, the toxin’s activity can
be neutralized. Another example is that of the tail region of the
virus that specifically infects bacteria (bacteriophage). The
tail is the portion of the bacteriophage that binds to the bacte-
ria. Subsequently, the viral nucleic acid is injected into the
bacterium via the tail. Details of the three-dimensional struc-
ture of the tail are crucial in designing ways to thwart the bind-
ing of the virus and the infection of the bacterium.
Proteins are also well suited to crystallography. The
determination of the three-dimensional structure of proteins at
a molecular level is necessary for the development of drugs
that will be able to bind to the particular protein. Not surpris-
ingly, the design of antibioticsrelies heavily on protein crys-
The manufacture of a crystal of a protein species is not
easy. Proteins tend to form three-dimensional structures that
are quire irregular in shape because of the arrangement of the
amino acid building blocks within the molecule. Some
arrangements of the amino acids will produce flat sheets; other
arrangements will result in a helix. Irregularly shaped mole-
cules will not readily stack together with their counterparts.
Moreover, once a crystal has formed, the structure is
extremely fragile and can dissolve easily. This fragility does
have an advantage, however, as it allows other molecules to be
incorporated into the crystal during its formation. Thus, for
example, an enzyme can become part of a crystal of its protein
receptor, allowing the structure of the enzyme-receptor bind-
ing site to be studied.
A protein is crystallized by first making a very concen-
trated solution of the protein and then exposing the solution to
chemicals that slowly increase the protein concentration. With
the right combination of conditions the protein can sponta-
neously precipitate. The ideal situation is to have the precipi-
tate begin at one site (the nucleation site). This site acts as the
seed for more protein to come out of solution resulting in crys-
tal formation.
Once a crystal has formed it must be delicately trans-
ferred to the machine where the x-ray diffraction will be per-
formed. The crystal must be kept in an environment that
maintains the crystal throughout the transfer of crystallo-
graphic procedures.
The entire process of protein crystallography is delicate
and prone to error. Usually many failures occur before a suc-
cessful experiment occurs. Yet, despite the effort and frustra-
tion, the information that can be obtained about protein
structure is considerable.

See alsoAntibody-antigen, biochemical and molecular reac-
tions; Biochemical analysis techniques; DNA (Deoxyribonu-
cleic acid); Laboratory techniques in immunology; Laboratory
techniques in microbiology; Molecular biology and molecular
genetics; Proteins and enzymes; Vaccine



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