Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


nisms to route the protein from the Golgi apparatus to the exte-
rior of the cell.
Proteins destined for export in Gram-negative bacteria
are also synthesized as a precursor. The precursor functions at
the outer membrane. Thus, the precursor must cross the inner
membrane intact. This occurs because of an association that
forms between a newly made precursor protein and a complex
of several proteins. The protein complex is referred to as
translocase. The translocase allows the precursor protein, with
the hydrophobic region, to be completely transported across
the inner membrane.
Studies using Escherichia coli and Haemophilus
influenzaedemonstrated the molecular nature of the translo-
case effect. The SecB protein is associated with the precursor
region as a channel running alongside the precursor. The chan-
nel has a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic side. The latter is ori-
ented outward so that it partitions into the hydrophobic
interior of the bacterial inner membrane. The inner surface of
SecB that is in intimate contact with the precursor region is
hydrophilic. Thus, the precursor moves through the inner
membrane in a watery channel.
As the precursor emerges into the periplasm, another
protein present in the periplasm associates with the precursor
region. This association also protects the precursor and
allows the precursor to reach the inner surface of the outer
membrane. Once there, the periplasmic protein is released,
and the precursor sequence spontaneously inserts into the
outer membrane.
Protein export has become an important target of strate-
gies designed to thwart microorganism infections. By block-
ing the ability of certain proteins to be exported, the ability of
bacteria to establish an infection can be hindered.
Conversely, the engineering of proteins to encourage
their export can allow for the easier purification of commer-
cially and clinically important proteins. For example, the
engineering of human insulin in Escherichia colirelies on the
export of the insulin protein. Once free of the bacteria, the
insulin can be recovered in pure form much more easily and
economically than if the protein needed to be extracted from
the bacteria.

See alsoBacteria and bacterial infection; Bacterial mem-
branes and cell wall; Bacterial movement; Bacterial surface
layers; Bacterial ultrastructure; Cell membrane transport;
Enterotoxin and exotoxin; Molecular biology and molecular
genetics; Prokaryotic membrane transport; Proteins and

PProtein synthesisROTEIN SYNTHESIS

Protein synthesis represents the final stage in the translation
of genetic information from DNA, via messenger RNA
(mRNA), to protein. It can be viewed as a four-stage process,
consisting of amino acid activation, translation initiation,
chain elongation, and termination. The events are similar in
both prokaryotes, such as bacteria, and higher eukaryotic

organisms, although in the latter there are more factors
involved in the process.
To begin with, each of the 20 cellular amino acids are
combined chemically with a transfer RNA (tRNA) molecule
to create a specific aminoacyl-tRNA for each amino acid. The
process is catalyzed by a group of enzymescalled aminoacyl-
tRNA synthetases, which are highly specific with respect to
the amino acid that they activate. The initiation of translation
starts with the binding of the small subunit of a ribosome,
(30S in prokaryotes, 40S in eukaryotes) to the initiation
codon with the nucleotide sequence AUG, on the mRNA tran-
script. In prokaryotes, a sequence to the left of the AUG
codon is recognized. This is the Shine-Delgrano sequence and
is complementary to part of the small ribosome subunit.
Eukaryotic ribosomesstart with the AUG nearest the 5’-end
of the mRNA, and recognize it by means of a “cap” of 7-
methylguanosine triphosphate. After locating the cap, the
small ribosome subunit moves along the mRNA until it meets
the first AUG codon, where it combines with the large ribo-
somal subunit.
In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the initiation com-
plex is prepared for the addition of the large ribosomal sub-
unit at the AUG site, by the release of initiation factor (IF) 3.
In bacteria, the large 50S ribosomal subunit appears simply to
replace IF–3, with IF–1 and IF–2. In eukaryotes, another fac-
tor eIF–5 (eukaryotic initiation factor 5), catalyses the depar-
ture of the previous initiation factors and the joining of the
large 60S ribosomal subunit. In both cases, the release of ini-
tiation factor 2 involves the hydrolysis of the GTP bound to
it. At this stage, the first aminoacyl-tRNA, Met-tRNA, is
bound to the ribosome. The ribosome can accommodate two
tRNA molecules at once. One of these carries the Met-tRNA
at initiation, or the peptide-tRNA complex during elongation
and is thus called the P (peptide) site, while the other accepts
incoming aminoacyl-tRNA and is therefore called the A
(acceptor) site. What binds to the A site is usually a complex
of GTP, elongation factor EF-TU, and aminoacyl-tRNA. The
tRNA is aligned with the next codon on the mRNA, which is
to be read and the elongation factor guides it to the correct
nucleotide triplet. The energy providing GTP is then hydrol-
ysed to GDP and the complex of EF-TU:GDP leaves the ribo-
some. The GDP is released from the complex when the
EF-TU complexes with EF-TS, which is then replaced by
GTP. The recycled EF-TU: GTP is then ready to pick up
another aminoacyl-tRNA for addition to the growing
polypeptide chain. On the ribosome, a reaction is catalysed
between the carboxyl of the P site occupant and the free
amino group of the A site occupant, linking the two together
and promoting the growth of the polypeptide chain. The pep-
tidyl transferase activity which catalyses this transfer is
intrinsic to the ribosome. The final step of elongation is the
movement of the ribosome relative to the mRNA accompa-
nied by the translocation of the peptidyl-tRNA from the A to
the P. Elongation factor EF-G is involved in this step and a
complex of EF-G and GTP binds to the ribosome, GTP being
hydrolysed in the course of the reaction. The de-acylated
tRNA is also released at this time.

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