Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


pseudopodia (false feet) to move, while others are sessile. They
may be autotrophs, producing their own food from sunlight, or
heterotrophs, requiring an outside source of nutrition. It is
unknown whether protists were the precursors to plants, ani-
mals, or fungi. It is possible that several evolutionary lines of
protists developed separately. Biologists consider the protists
as a polyphyletic group, meaning they probably do not share a
common ancestor. The word protist comes from the Greek
word for the very first, which indicates that researchers assume
protists may have been the first eukaryotes to evolve on Earth.
Despite the great diversity evident in this kingdom, sci-
entists have been able to classify the protists into several
groups. The protists can be classified into one of three main
categories, animal-like, plant-like, and fungus-like. Grouping
into one of the three categories is based on an organism’s
mode of reproduction, method of nutrition, and motility. The
animal-like protists are known as the protozoa, the plant-like
protists are the algae, and the fungus-like protists are the slime
moldsand water molds.
The protozoa are all unicellular heterotrophs. They
obtain their nutrition by ingesting other organisms or dead
organic material. The word protozoa comes from the Latin
word for first animals. The protozoans are grouped into vari-
ous phyla based on their modes of locomotion. They may use
cilia, flagella, or pseudopodia. Some protozoans are sessile,
meaning they do not move. These organisms are parasitic
because they cannot actively capture food. They must live in
an area of the host organism that has a constant food supply,
such as the intestines or bloodstream of an animal. The proto-
zoans that use pseudopodia to move are known as amoebas,
those that use flagella are called flagellates, those that use cilia
are known as the ciliates, and those that do not move are called
the sporozoans.
The amoebas belong to the phylum Rhizopoda. These
protists have no wall outside of their cell membrane. This
gives the cell flexibility and allows it to change shape. The
word amoeba, in fact, comes from the Greek word for change.
Amoebas use extensions of their cell membrane, called
pseudopodia, to move as well as to engulf food. When the
pseudopodium traps a bit of food, the cell membrane closes
around the meal. This encasement forms a food vacuole.
Digestive enzymesare secreted into the food vacuole, which
break down the food. The cell then absorbs the nutrients.
Because amoebas live in water, dissolved nutrients from the
environment can diffuse directly through their cell mem-
branes. Most amoebas live in marine environments, although
some freshwater species exist. Freshwater amoebas live in a
hypotonic environment, so water is constantly moving into the
cell by osmosis. To remedy this problem, these amoebas use
contractile vacuoles to pump excess water out of the cell. Most
amoebas reproduce asexually by pinching off a part of the cell
membrane to form a new organism. Amoebas may form cysts
when environmental conditions become unfavorable. These
cysts can survive conditions such as lack of water or nutrients.
Two forms of amoebas have shells, the foraminiferans and the
The foraminiferans have a hard shell made of calcium
carbonate. These shells are called tests. Foraminiferans live in

marine environments and are very abundant. When they die,
their shells fall to the ground where they become a part of the
muddy ocean floor. Geologists use the fossilized shells to
determine the ages of rocks and sediments. The shells at the
ocean floor are gradually converted into chalky deposits,
which can be uplifted to become a land formation, such as the
white cliffs of Dover in England. Radiolarians have shells
made of silica instead of calcium carbonate. Both organisms
have many tiny holes in their shells, through which they
extend their pseudopodia. The pseudopodia act as a sticky net,
trapping bits of food.
The flagellates have one or more flagella and belong to
the phylum Zoomastigina. These organisms whip their flagella
from side to side in order to move through their aquatic sur-
roundings. These organisms are also known as the zooflagel-
lates. The flagellates are mostly unicellular with a spherical or
oblong shape. A few are also amoeboid. Many ingest their
food through a primitive mouth, called the oral groove. While
most are motile, one class of flagellates, called the
Choanoflagellates, is sessile. These organisms attach to a rock
or other substrate by a stalk.
The ciliates are members of the phylum Ciliopa. There
are approximately 8,000 species of ciliates. These organisms
move by the synchronized beating of the cilia covering their
bodies. They can be found almost anywhere, in freshwater or
marine environments. Probably the best-known ciliate is the
organism Paramecium. Paramecia have many well-developed
organelles. Food enters the cell through the oral groove (lined
with cilia, to “sweep” the food into the cell), where it moves
to the gullet, which packages the meal into a food vacuole.
Enzymes released into the food vacuole break down the food,
and the nutrients are absorbed into the cell. Wastes are
removed from the cell through an anal pore. Contractile vac-
uoles pump out excess water, since paramecia live in freshwa-
ter (hypotonic) surroundings. Paramecia have two nuclei, a
macronucleus and a micronucleus. The larger macronucleus
controls most of the metabolic functions of the cell. The
smaller micronucleus controls much of the pathways involved
in sexual reproduction. Thousands of cilia appear through the
pellicle, a tough, protective covering surrounding the cell
membrane. These cilia beat in a synchronized fashion to move
the Paramecium in any direction. Underneath the pellicle are
trichocysts, which discharge tiny spikes that help trap prey.
Paramecia usually reproduce asexually, when the cell divides
into two new organisms after all of the organelles have been
duplicated. When conditions are unfavorable, however, the
organism can reproduce sexually. This form of sexual repro-
duction is called conjugation. During conjugation, two para-
mecia join at the oral groove, where they exchange genetic
material. They then separate and divide asexually, although
this division does not necessarily occur immediately following
the exchange of genetic material.
The sporozoans belong to the phylum Sporozoa. These
organisms are sessile, so they cannot capture prey. Therefore,
the sporozoans are all parasites. As their name suggests, many
of these organisms produce spores, reproductive cells that can
give rise to a new organism. Sporozoans typically have com-

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